I think the index numbers for the row of the averaging window function is shifted and that seems to be an error. To get this opinion, I made the following test using QGIS and a subsample of the both datasets you left in the dropbox.
In first step I cut out a windows in the region of your interest ..some where to address an area in the northern part of the Red Sea:
gdal_translate -projwin 0 50 50 0 temp_CHIRPS_201512.tif hires.tif
gdal_translate -projwin 0 50 50 0 CHIRPS_201512_ave.tif lowres.tif
I call the full resolution image hires.tif
and the averaged one lowres.tif
. To see what the gdalwarp
tool produces I built xyz files to get frames and numbers corresponding to the cells
gdal_translate hires.tif hires.xyz -of xyz
gdal_translate lowres.tif lowres.xyz -of xyz
and import the stuff into QGIS via Layer -> Add Layer -> Add Delimited Text Layer with the following settings:
The same procedure was applied to the lowres stuff. I zoom to the paninsula of Sinai and set the symbology of the raster to a squared marker without background and a size of 0.05 map units for the hires positions and 0.25 map units for the lowres points (your produced raster sizes).
I choose colored symbology for the hires raster:
and a gray setup for the lowres (averaged) raster to bring out the artefacts.
At 35° East and 27° North we find a nice artefact that should be a -15000 cell (NA in GNU-R speech).
To see whats happend I zoom in and label the cells:
It seems, that we have a cell shift and the average is calculated from a wrong set of samples,
because if I use to north shifted window, I will calculate:
> cell <- c(
+ NA, 6, 27, 25, NA,
+ NA, NA, NA, NA, NA,
+ NA, NA, NA, NA, NA,
+ NA, NA, NA, NA, NA,
+ NA, NA, NA, NA, NA
+ );
> mean(cell,na.rm=TRUE)
[1] 19.33333
and get the magic 19
at a wrong place in the raster. I think you should send a bug report to the gdal community.
Sorry forgot to use python...
In [1]: import numpy
In [2]: cell = numpy.array ([
...: None, 6, 27, 25, None,
...: None, None, None, None, None,
...: None, None, None, None, None,
...: None, None, None, None, None,
...: None, None, None, None, None
...: ])
In [3]: numpy.mean(filter(None, cell))
Out[3]: 19.333333333333332
In this dropbox you will find the test environment with:
the qgis project
your hires file
your lowres file
the 0 50 50 0 cut version of the hires file
the xyz export of the hires cut version
the cut version of the lowres file
the xyz export of the hires cut version
style to draw the cells hires.xyz
style to draw the cells lowres.xyz
style to draw the hires raster
style to draw the lowres raster
code snippets