I have a number of single-value raster layers defining a area mask and a point layer pulled from PostGIS. Is there a way to have Quantum GIS show me the number of points that overlay the raster polygon? Or is my only option to convert the raster to a vector, pull into the database, and run a query against it?

  • Are the rasters irregularly shaped? If they are simple boxes/rectangles you could just pull the coordinates of a couple corners and perform a query against the point coordinates to determine if they fall inside.
    – Radar
    Apr 25, 2013 at 21:52
  • They're very irregularly shaped. Something similar to softwright.com/tap5covmap1.jpg, with the red raster polygon being a superset of the green raster polygon.
    – Oesor
    Apr 25, 2013 at 21:54

1 Answer 1


There's a plug-in called Point Samping Tool

You can use it to harvest the raster values for each point, and then short them as you wish


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