Problem: I am designing an ol3 plugin that needs to copy the URL parameter from ol.source.XYZ/ol.source.TileWMS to ol.layer.Tile on map initialization.

TileWMS: As per the docs, this is easily done with the following.
Note: not actual code, simplified for example. Assumes all layers are TileWMS with no layer groups.

var layers = this.getLayers().getArray();
for (var i = 0; i < layers.length; i++) {
  layer = layers[i];
  layer.set('url', layer.getSource().getUrls()[0]);

XYZ: In the docs, I see a setter but no getter. Currently I'm using layer.getSource().setTileLoadFunction() to gain access to the imgSrc parameter, which is the actual URL orf a loaded tile, and genericize it back into a template URL. This works with a single layer paired with one source, but breaks when multiple layers share the same source.
Note: Same assumptions as above.

var layers = this.getLayers().getArray();
for (var i = 0; i < layers.length; i++) {
  layer = layers[i];
  var oldGetTileLoadFunction = layer.getSource().getTileLoadFunction();
  layer.getSource().setTileLoadFunction(function (imgTile, imgSrc) {
    imgTile.getImage().src = imgSrc;

    layer.set('url', MyApp.utils.generateXYZUrl(imgSrc));

Is there any way to have something like layer.getSource().getUrl() for XYZ? Note: must use native javascript for solution, no external libraries allowed



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