I'm using the ESRI Geometry Java API https://github.com/Esri/geometry-api-java

I want to construct an envelope and see if it contains certain points. It's possible the envelope crosses the International date line.

Here is some sample code I've tried:

    double lon = Double.parseDouble("179.99");
    double lat = Double.parseDouble("0");
    Point pt = new Point(lon, lat);

    double minlon = Double.parseDouble("170");
    double minlat = Double.parseDouble("-20");

    double maxlon = Double.parseDouble("-170");
    double maxlat = Double.parseDouble("20");

    Envelope ev = new Envelope(minlon, minlat, maxlon, maxlat);

    SpatialReference sr = SpatialReference.create(4326); // decimal degrees

    boolean test = GeometryEngine.contains(ev, pt, sr);

    System.out.println(GeometryEngine.geometryToJson(sr, ev));
    assertTrue("envelope containts point true", test);

The test fails, and if I check the print statement I get a json that has swapped my x-coordinates


Is there a different/better way to do this?

1 Answer 1


The Esri Geometry API for Java documentation states that it implements geometry for a plane, so will not take the Date Line into account:

In geometry-api-java, the geometry is planar with the exception of GeometryEngine.geodesicDistanceOnWGS84. The X/Y values are considered on an infinite plane, and all operations are executed based on that assumption.

[Disclosure: I am a collaborator on Esri GIS-Tools-for-Hadoop.]

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