I've got the following task to solve:

I've got two tables; one contains buildings (houses) as points and the other contains train-stations (at_bhf_classified) as points. I need to find out the distance from each house to the next trainstation. Well, this is more or less easy. But now the issue: The trainstation are categorized. That means: Give the distance to the next station of category 1 if within a 25km radius. If no category 1 station is found within this distance, give me the distance to cat 2 station within the 25 km radius.

So far I use the following statement to calculate the nearest category 1 station:

WITH dist_min 
 AS (SELECT h.h_key, 
            Min(St_distance_sphere(h.geom, b.geom)) dist_min 
     FROM   house h, 
            at_bhf_classified b 
     WHERE  St_distance_sphere(h.geom, b.geom) < 25000 and b.kat=1
     GROUP  BY h.h_key) 
SELECT h.h_key, 
   round(cast(d.dist_min as numeric),2)
FROM   dist_min d, 
   house h, 
   at_bhf_classified b 
WHERE  St_distance_sphere(h.geom, b.geom) = dist_min 
   AND St_distance_sphere(h.geom, b.geom) < 25000
GROUP BY h.h_key, b.bhfname, b.kat, b.bhfnummer, d.dist_min
ORDER  BY h.h_key 

Do you know how to include the second condition explained further up?

Thanks for you help! Carsten

2 Answers 2


What if you calculated the distance each station has from the point, filtering out any station that is too far away, order by category, and return only the first value?

  • Hi notkilroy, thanks for your suggestion. I actually use the following to the order as you proposed. But how do I have to write to get the first row of each h_key? The SQL: SELECT h.h_key, b.kat, b.bhfname, St_distance_sphere(h.geom, b.geom) min FROM house h, at_bhf_classified b WHERE St_distance_sphere(h.geom, b.geom) < 25000 AND b.kat IN ( 1, 2 ) ORDER BY h.h_key, b.kat, min Thanks Carsten
    – hoge6b01
    Feb 26, 2014 at 8:18

Okay, I found a solution:

WITH summary 
 AS (SELECT h.h_key, 
            Round(Cast(St_distance_sphere(h.geom, b.geom) / 1000 AS NUMERIC) 
            , 2) 
                partition BY h.h_key 
                ORDER BY h_key, kat, St_distance_sphere(h.geom, b.geom) DESC 
     FROM   house h, 
            at_bhf_classified b 
     WHERE  St_distance_sphere(h.geom, b.geom) < 25000 
            AND b.kat IN ( 1, 2, 3 )) 
FROM   summary s 
WHERE  s.rk = 1

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