I have a network dataset for a city. I have, lets say, 200 trips that are made in that city. I constructed the shortest route for the every pair of the trips, and also the actual route travelled by them using the GPS points available. I want to include the number of turns, either left or right, for the shortest route as well as observed route for all of the 200 trips. Is there any tools in network analysis to do this for a large dataset, that doesn't requires a huge labor and time? (I have thousands of trips data so I was looking for a simple tool or function to accomplish this)

I tried using the COPY TRAVERSED SOURCE FEATURES tool, as I found that this could give the required result for my purpose. However, the output for the turn feature is empty every time I run this tool. Why the table for the TURN feature is empty? What might be the reason.

  • The first problem is solved. As those point layer was in wrong format. I plotted those co-ordinates again and got the shortest route for every O-D pair. However, i could not figure out the problem of the number of left and right turns in each route yet. Help appreciated.
    – Droko
    Commented May 20, 2015 at 21:46
  • 1
    The first thing that comes to my mind is enabling directions, saving those out to a file, and counting the number of times the words left or right appear in the directions. If you've solved part of your problem I would suggest editing your question using the button at the lower left to remove any extraneous information that no longer applies.
    – Chris W
    Commented May 21, 2015 at 4:44
  • While enabling directions, at the time of creating the Network Dataset, I got that message, which is added in the above question. Or did you mean to use Direction TOOL from network analyst ?
    – Droko
    Commented May 24, 2015 at 20:22
  • The error means it isn't automatically recognizing the field or fields that contain the street names. If you click the directions button you should be able to set the correct field mappings. The directions tool on the toolbar just displays the window. If no route is selected, it gives directions for all routes. This can be saved to a single file, which you could then figure out a script to parse and count word occurrences per route. To solve it with geometry you'd have to write a script that loops through and looks at polar angle between route segments at vertices. No existing tool I know of.
    – Chris W
    Commented May 24, 2015 at 20:50
  • I found an additional resource - an Esri GeoNet post from a few years ago where someone was seeking to do the same thing. They also tried the same Copy Traversed Source tool, but discussion indicates it simply doesn't track the info you want. The suggested solution to pursue there was, as I have already suggested here, to use the Directions tool to output a list and parse that file for counts.
    – Chris W
    Commented Jun 1, 2015 at 4:17