how to create WFS from feature class, do i have to have Arcgis Server or is it possible throw Arcgis Online ? (Version 10.3)

  • You have two different questions here, but GSE policy is one question per Question. Please edit the question to meet our Q&A format by choosing the most important issue. You should also specify the GIS software in use (including version, and if ArcGIS, which license level)
    – Vince
    May 31, 2015 at 18:30

1 Answer 1


You asked two question as below

WFS to Feature Class

You can easily use interoperability estension to pull wfs service and convert to feature class


Feature Class to WFS

As Wikipedia says WFS is best categorized as a non-RESTful RPC type service- i think you need gis web server (that generates REST or SOAP services) e.g. arcgis server, geoserver, mapserver etc that supports WFS output.

If Arc gis online supports WFS (not WMS) protocol then you can generate it easily and call in a handful of client like arcgis desktop, explorer etc.

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