I have GDAL raster dataset. I want to extract raw values from it. All is working correctly, but problem is with top left coorinates. If I extract data from GDALRasterBand, point[0,0] is at topLeft. How can I change this? I can "move" extracted values, but I rather want some direct solution, that I extract values correctly.

I have tried SetGeoTransform, but with no effect.


For example I extract data and pixel [0,0] has coordinate lon: 0.2, lat: 90.1. I want it to have lon: 180.0, lat: 80.0 (step is 0.5 degree, so next pixesl are offseted with this step)

  • Could you verify what do you mean with correct result? What would you like to have instead of [0,0] at the top left? Perhaps projected, georeferenced coordinates instead of pixel coordinates?
    – user30184
    Aug 16, 2015 at 9:14
  • @user30184 I have added example what I mean Aug 16, 2015 at 9:19
  • Perhaps you should use GetGeoTransform in addition to or instead of SetGeoTransform? Code here might help gis.stackexchange.com/questions/42790/…
    – user30184
    Aug 16, 2015 at 9:44


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