How can I validate the geometry in Openlayers?

I need to check "MULTILINESTRING()" (which is empty) is valid/not valid. In postGIS, for Geometry validation we are using "isValid()" function. Like this, is there any options in Openlayers?


2 Answers 2


In OpenLayers you can't but you can use the excellent JavaScript Topology Suite (a Javascript rewrite of the Java Topology Suite).


  var reader = new jsts.io.WKTReader();
  var geom = reader.read('POLYGON ((80 300, 280 300, 280 80, 80 80, 80 300), (260 280, 180 200, 100 280, 100 100, 260 100, 260 280))');        
  • do you know how to handle errors thrown if it's not a valid Polygon?
    – Alex
    Mar 29, 2018 at 10:19

If you are using geodata through some form of GeoJson I can recommend this link;


It has an API that you can use as well, both python and javascript are explained on the website. With the api you are able to post a geojson and it will reply with a request status.

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