This is an example of how opacity can be changed for a Mapbox.JS map: https://www.mapbox.com/mapbox.js/example/v1.0.0/opacity/

The example shows only one layer used.

With barely any experience in JavaScript, h*ow would I go about changing the opacity of the active base layer, if I have multiple of them?*

I have this now:

    'Name of layer': L.tileLayer('/tiles1/z{z}/{y}/{x}.png').addTo(map),
    'Name of other layer': L.tileLayer('/tiles2/z{z}/{y}/{x}.png')

How to correctly set the variable to the selected layer?

1 Answer 1


One solution would be to set the layers object to its own variable:

var myLayers = {
    'Name of layer': L.tileLayer('/tiles1/z{z}/{y}/{x}.png').addTo(map),
    'Name of other layer': L.tileLayer('/tiles2/z{z}/{y}/{x}.png')

You could then set the opacity to either layer at any time with something like the following:

myLayers['Name of layer'].setOpacity(.8);
myLayers['Name of other layer'].setOpacity(.3);

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