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Create Esri JavaScript web map and host on ArcGIS Online

I have created a relatively simple web map using Esri JavaScript. This web map has some widgets included on the map (SearchBar and some custom legends). I do not have access to an online server to ...
Keagan Allan's user avatar
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How to Apply ClassBreaksRenderer in ExportImage for ArcGIS Sentinel-2 NDVI Layer?

I'm working with the ArcGIS JS SDK and using the Sentinel-2 Imagery Layer to display NDVI values. Here's the code I use to apply the ImageryLayer and ClassBreaksRenderer: this.instance = new ...
aChaLop's user avatar
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Why does view.on('click') event not fire and popup not open

I am trying to add a popup to a very simple web app using the arcGIS Map SDK for JS and React. The popup is not opening and when I check the debugger, it looks like the `view.on('click', ...) event is ...
gwydion93's user avatar
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How to use registered token in ArcGIS JavaScript API

I'm trying to get access to secured ArcGIS resourses with ArcGIS JavaScript API. I'm using IdentityManager.registerToken() and I see that token received. But map opens Log In form anyway. I expected ...
Kliver Max's user avatar
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ArcGIS JS API Custom Parameters

I have many different types of layers (WMSLayer, FeatureLayer, CSVLayer, KMLLayer, etc.) in an ArcGIS JS v4.30 website. I need to be able to edit the data range of some of these layers. My thought was ...
mendesd's user avatar
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Applying specific styling to group layers in the LayerList Widget in ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript

Using ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript 4.24, I would like to change the formatting of Group Layers within the LayerList Widget, such that the group layers can be immediately distinguished from non-group ...
Stephen Lead's user avatar
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How to remove the graphics created by the Shadowcast widget

Using ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript 4.29, I'm working with the Shadowcast widget in a SceneView, and want to know how to disable the widget and remove the shadow layer that it creates. I can ...
Stephen Lead's user avatar
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Event that fires before applyEdits finishes: Javascript API 4.2X

In previous iterations of the ArcGIS Javascript API (3.X), you were able to listen for the "before-apply-edits" event when hooked to your feature layer . I can't seem to find this same event ...
Andrew Fisher's user avatar
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ArcGIS JS SDK querying features with geometry

I am querying a layer in ArcGIS map with ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript. When I query a feature with geometry and without type a where clause into the query, the query does not return results. If I ...
zacoder's user avatar
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Optimizing river network features queries in ArcGIS JavaScript SDK

I am working on a map to visualize river network data using ArcGIS SDK for JavaScript. The data I’m using is from this ArcGIS feature service published by the CLMS. The data includes a dozen feature ...
tvoirand's user avatar
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Javascript Esri 4.27 request.Interceptors errorCallback gives error message and not error code

I have implemented ESRI 4.27v in my Angular Project. My requirement is to pass all the Map API calls via interceptor and catch for 500 error which comes on server down and implement a retry mechanism. ...
Priya Ganesan's user avatar
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Cannot display WMS tiled layer from GeoServer(GWC) in ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript 4.29

I have WMS tiled service, (I guess it´s WMS-C from GeoWebCache(GWC) according to the url composition, and it´s also WMS-T with TIME dimension) at URL like this:
juraj murcko's user avatar
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Draw KML Extent Given an XML in ArcGIS JS SDK

I have a link that will return an HTML with the plain text of an XML. An example is below. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <kml xmlns="
mendesd's user avatar
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Updating date in KMLLayers URL in ArcGIS JS SDK

I have a group layer in an ArcGIS JS project. In the group layer there are 21 separate KML layers. Each KML layer has a URL where the date is defined in that URL like such below. url: "https://.....
mendesd's user avatar
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ArcGIS JS API RasterShaderReliefRenderer does not color full range of DEM elevation values

I have a DEM of the state of florida as an ImageService, here. I want to render this DEM using nicer colors than black and white using the ArcGIS JS API. Following the example ImageryTileLayer - ...
Seth Lutske's user avatar
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Changing background on individual state when clicked

I am trying to change state colors based on clicks, and so far it is doing the entire background. How would I get just the id of the state or location clicked and change the color based on that? ...
newbie to ArcGIS's user avatar
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Choosing colors for highlight in ArcGIS JS API?

I am using the code that the documentation provides here: require(["esri/views/View"], (View) => { view.on("click", function(event){ view.hitTest(event).then(function(response)...
newbie to ArcGIS's user avatar
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How do I add a custom UI for deleting vertices using the SketchViewModel?

I have the following setup: const newView = new MapView({ container: mapDiv.current, map: webmap, center: [17.046956, 60.843549], scale: 15000, }) newView.when(() => { const vm = new ...
Oskar Persson's user avatar
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Adding items to the Calcite-Split-Button in ESRI ArcGIS API for Javascript

I am trying to create a dynamic split button using Calcite-Split-Button that comes with ESRI and I can't get it to add the drop down items. It shows, all elements are there, but nothing shows when I ...
Hairy's user avatar
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Render a Legend for a FeatureLayer that is not present on the map in ArcGIS JS API

I have a scenario with an ArcGIS JS API map where I want to create a legend for a FeatureLayer that is not currently loaded onto the map. Let's say I know layer the endpoint, and I call to get the ...
Seth Lutske's user avatar
2 votes
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Is it possible to use base maps while authorizing via ArcGIS tokens?

I'm using IdentityManager to access secured resources (using ArcGIS tokens). There were no issues while I was using portal items like this: const webMap = new WebMap({ portalItem: { id: 'some-...
Renat Zamaletdinov's user avatar
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Using ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript print widget with tile layer

I am using the ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript 4.24 print widget. I am not able to print (pdf, png, etc) with a tile layer added as basemap. It is printing without tile layer, but not if tile layer is ...
mmk's user avatar
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Set focus to popup title in ArcGIS SDK for JS

Cross posted on the Esri Community, posting here because traffic there seems to be low. We are working to implement a keyboard map click to open a map popup. With the map application element focused, ...
jeffreinhart's user avatar
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How to load GeoJSON geometric data and drawing grapics in background

I meet a problem when trying to load GeoJSON geometric data and drawing grapics in background. The main problem is drawing grapics in background, I use graphicLayer and hope each graphic in GeoJSON ...
abramhum's user avatar
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Getting graphic id in view popup event

I have a problem when using to monitor the view.popup. I need to catch the graphic id to do further customize action, but I didn't find out any infos just from view.popup object. I ...
abramhum's user avatar
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Adding button with click event on popupTemplate in ArcGIS JavaScript

I meet a problem when trying to add button on popupTemplate in ArcGIS JavaScript;My environment is node.js, and the version of ArcGIS JavaScript is 4.28. The code snippet is as following: const ...
abramhum's user avatar
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ArcGIS vector tile layer [view:goto-interrupted]: Goto was interrupted error

I am using vector tile layer in my Angular project to load ESRI map const point = { type: "point", // autocasts as new Point() longitude: long, latitude: ...
Priya Ganesan's user avatar
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WebTileLayer can not show the map data in EPSG:3826 format

I meet a problem when using WebTileLayer show the map data in EPSG:3826 format. The code snippet is as following: const basemap = new Basemap({ baseLayers: [ ...
abramhum's user avatar
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The key-down event invalid in zoom out when using ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript in EPSG:3826

I am a new to ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript. I have a problem when the tileLayer load in, and the zoom controller I set in the top-right is not work well. The plus button can only be invoked event ...
abramhum's user avatar
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No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource when using arcgis javascript in node.js

I meet a problem when using ArcGIS JavaScript (version 4.9) to handle map data. the following is my code snippet: esriConfig.request.trustedServers.push("https://XXX.XXX.XX.118:3070"); ....
abramhum's user avatar
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Adjust the zoom of MapImageLayer, according to what is to be shown

I need to find a way to programmatically adjust the map's zoom when it gets loaded, so that only the sublayer to be shown, is visible in the area displayed in the map. With FeatureLayer maps, I use ...
Beauty's user avatar
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How can I make my layer search result more user accessible and simpler to use?

I am creating a web application for electoral results in my country with a Layer Search. Currently when I search the map, for a candidate or a constituency the results come up in a pop up template but ...
Chesouye's user avatar
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How do I make my layer search pull the correct information?

I am creating a web application with a Layer Search. Currently when I search the map, it brings up a state or parish but I would like it to go into more details and bring up the candidate's name for ...
Chesouye's user avatar
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TomTom traffic vector layer integration in ArcGIS SDK JS API

I'm facing issues displaying results from the TomTom API in my ArcGIS JavaScript application. Despite configuring a Vector Tile Layer with TomTom traffic data, the results are not showing up on the ...
ahmed mahfoz's user avatar
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Move feature with a mouse without using the Editor widget?

Using ArcGIS Maps SDK for Javascript 4.28, is it possible to Move a feature in a featureLayer, without using the Editor widget? The Editor widget has a mode whereby after Selecting a feature, when you ...
Stephen Lead's user avatar
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Specify location of actions on popup in ArcGIS SDK JS [duplicate]

Using ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript v4 how can I specify that I want actions to always show underneath the content? On the examples the actions always show above the content, no matter where the ...
Jamie Kitson's user avatar
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Creating zoom change event handler using ArcGIS JS API?

I want to change from a cached Basemap to a dynamic Basemap when the zoom is past a certain level. All Basemaps stored inside view's baseMapLayout (assume currently there's only 2). view is an ArcGIS ...
Someone's user avatar
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OGC WKT Format for Polygon From Sketch Widget ArcGIS JS SDK

In the ArcGIS JS 4 SDK, there is a sketch widget that allows one to draw different shapes on the map of your choosing. I implemented this to an iframe on my site. However, I need code to help me get ...
mendesd's user avatar
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Update WMS Layer's Time Property with a TimeSlider Widget in ArcGIS JavaScript 4 SDK

Using the ArcGIS JavaScript 4 SDK/API to load the WMS service of a NOAA Coast Watch Sea Surface Temperature dataset. The dataset that is trying to be loaded is an aggregated dataset which should ...
mendesd's user avatar
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WMS layer is not showing the colors associated with the dataset in ArcGIS JavaScript 4 SDK

This WMS layer I loaded into ArcGIS JS 4 SDK is not loading correctly. I tried to include a customParameters object, but I don't think I wrote it correctly since the documentation isn't super clear. I ...
mendesd's user avatar
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Using custom icon in the Expand widget in ArcGIS SDK JS?

Using the Expand Widget in ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript, how can I specify a custom icon (eg an SVG or PNG image) rather than the Esri Calcite icons? The expandIcon parameter only accepts a string ...
Stephen Lead's user avatar
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Enabling default popup template not working in ArcGIS Maps SDK JS

When adding the feature layer with URL, enabling defaultPopUpTemplate does not open any pop-up. When I click on the feature the feature gets highlighted however, nothing opens up. I am attaching the ...
gis's user avatar
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Display selected category from dropdown menu in sidebar in ArcGIS SDK JavaScript app?

I'd like to display the {Description} field content of a feature layer in the sidebar div of my application. One way I believe it can be done is by using a click event and the selectedIndex property. ...
Pfalbaum's user avatar
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Problem in giving search functionality using downloaded ArcGIS JavaScript API v4.27

I am trying to use search functionality using downloaded ArcGIS JavaScript API v4.27. Here is my code: <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-...
Priyansh Garg's user avatar
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Creating a HTML webmap using both ESRI JavaScript API and Leaflet

I have created an ESRI JavaScript based map. It is reading in a webmap from my ArcGIS Online account and works as is required. I would like to include some additional context to my webmap through the ...
Keagan Allan's user avatar
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How to preview PBF query results in the browser debugger?

Working with ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript, I want a quick preview (in the browser debugger) of the results of a query. For example, when clicking on a polygon in the PopupTemplate sample, the ...
Stephen Lead's user avatar
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Removing feature from the view's popup feature array in ArcGIS Maps SDK JS?

Using ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript version 4.x, it is possible for the view's popup to contain an array of features. In this case, it is possible to page through them using the forward/back arrows. ...
Stephen Lead's user avatar
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Access GeoRSS Attributes using ESRI ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript

I have created a web map in ArcGIS Online. Using the ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript I can create a view of this map using JavaScript and HTML. The webmap works and I can view all data layers within ...
Keagan Allan's user avatar
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Extract the text from ArcGIS map using JavaScript

I have this map, and I'm looking to extract the map label when clicked on the map. Let's suppose I click on the block with a 16257038. How can I get this text using JavaScript API. Here is my code so ...
xawova3005's user avatar
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ArcGIS SketchViewModel: how to set some of the Graphics can't be deleted, only modified? <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="initial-...
albert Kai's user avatar

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