Questions tagged [buffer]

A region enclosing a point, line, or polygon at a specified distance.

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1 answer

Buffering GeoJSON file using Python?

I'm trying to perform a simple buffer on GeoJSON file using Python script. I am able to do it on a shapefile using Python script and on GeoJSON using QGIS fix distance buffer tool but I can't figure ...
user88484's user avatar
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Create a buffer with a pre-defined area?

I have a road (line) system and need to create a polygon from it to show the right-of-way area. The right-of-way area is calculated in the field from taking measurements from the road centreline. From ...
ChrisA's user avatar
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How to invert a Buffer(get the inside of a ring buffer)?

I have a line layer of a road network around which I create a buffer zone of 1000 m with Analysis Tools>Proximity>Buffer. But I am interested in the areas outside the buffer zone, and not the buffer ...
Ola Kalen's user avatar
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Buffering with physical barrier using ArcGIS Desktop?

I don't think it is possible, but I'm looking for a way to stop my buffer at a certain physical barrier. For example, I have point near a river and I'm creating a buffer around my point that is ...
fgcarto's user avatar
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Strange line error when applying buffer in QGIS [duplicate]

I want to only select coastal cities among Cities Over 300K(UN data). So I downloaded open-source coastline shapefiles online(GSHHS_c_L1 and GSHHS_c_L2), made them into lines, merged 2 lines, ...
Yelim Kim's user avatar
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Partially processing a catalog with an extent in lidR

I am using lidR to create a DEM of a very large area (over 1 million hectares). I have already processed a portion of this area. I would like to be able to read the entire LAScatalog so that the ...
KLH's user avatar
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Buffer polyline to kilometres in custom projection in QGIS, Python, R

I have a map containing polyline squiggles all over the world (shown below). I need to buffer these lines by 50 km either side, resulting in polygons. I have reprojected my data to this custom ...
Amroco's user avatar
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Create polygons from location other than centroid (Obscuring specific locations)

Looking to get some feedback on tools or methodology one might use to denote a sensitive area without disclosing the specific location of a feature. For instance, how best to make a buffer that's not ...
MattS's user avatar
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3 answers

Creating polygon buffer from line

I have connected a series of points into a line in ArcMap 10 with the Points to Line tool in the ArcToolbox. The line is, of course, in its own layer, and I added a 5-meter buffer around the line. It ...
hpy's user avatar
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How to Buffer with intersections in QGIS

I am buffering a layer of facilities (points). I will then use the buffer to clip and intersect another layer, containing resources. I want to answer the question, how much of the resource lies ...
gisuser's user avatar
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Can we create 3D buffers around point data in QGIS?

I have multiple point data with lat, long, and elevation. I want to create a 3D buffer on one set of points and check for intersection another set of points. I am using Qgs2threejs for visualization. ...
Lalit Chavan's user avatar
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Buffer Polygons without overlapping regions of neighbouring boundaries in ArcGIS Pro

I'm struggling with a simple buffer which turns out to be way more difficult than I thought. I just want to buffer a polygon shapefile which has many neighbouring objects (on the left picture the ...
Radde1683's user avatar
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Using GeoPandas buffer function to get buffer zones in kilometers

I am having trouble with using GeoDataFrame.buffer function. That is probably because of my lack of understanding crs. Here is the case: I have events dataset (points longs & lats) and locations ...
M.wol's user avatar
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Geometry buffer updating with ogr2ogr

I am trying to modify a dataset by replacing the geometry of each feature by its buffer. I try to do it directly, in update mode (not very secure I know). Here is what I tried: ogr2ogr -update test....
julien's user avatar
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2 answers

Creating regular point layer within several buffers using QGIS?

I have several buffers distributed along a whole country (therefore, the distances between them is very high). These buffers are represented in the same layer/shp. I want to create a regular point ...
mto23's user avatar
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Creating square buffer in qgis

How can I create a buffer with square ends along a line segment in qgis? I've buffered lines using v.buffer in the GRASS plugin, but the -c option for square ends is not exposed in that interface. ...
Andy Baumgartner's user avatar
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Surface covered by buffers in QGIS

In QGIS, I have plotted buffers around points. I would like to calculate the area which falls under buffers without over counting due to buffer overlaps. Is there a quick and easy way to do this?
Christian M.'s user avatar
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Best way to get Convex Hull/Boundary of millions of points

I've been trying to do some point analysis on some xyz data, I'm at the point where I've decided it is best to produce a boundary of my xyz files and put this with the metadata for each survey. Now ...
Jamo's user avatar
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Avoid losing overlapping areas when buffering line with Python

LineString is the path of the transport on the field with attached equipment. Is it possible to use GeoPandas or third-party Python libraries to find overlapping areas when buffering a path line to a ...
Roman's user avatar
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Buffer with no overlap

I have a GeoDataFrame of a (tiny) street network and want to buffer with no overlap. Thus far I have: #- get the stuff rd = gpd.read_file('./data/roads-cput_proj.geojson') rd.set_crs(epsg=32734, ...
arkriger's user avatar
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Creating circle-like area that encompasses original polygon

I'm starting with a caveat - I'm very new to this. I'm also using spectral tools in MS SQL Server, which probably isn't the best way either. I'm attempting to make a polygon that represents an area ...
MarkusEschmann's user avatar
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Buffering points in QGIS, and dissolving to make a single feature for each buffer that touches

I am trying to buffer points then dissolve to a multipart feature for each, but keeping all associated attributes of one of the buffered points (any one). GDAL gives me the following error with GDAL ...
MJM's user avatar
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Which buildings have access to nature where more than 50% of the nature area is closer than 3km?

I have 1) a file with all the residential buildings in a small municipality and 2) a file with all the surrounding green areas. I'm having a hard time solving this because the residential buildings ...
Selma's user avatar
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How to use spatialite SQL functions in GDAL/OGR

I would like to create one-sided buffer geometries around linestrings. I found this ST_SingleSidedBuffer SpatialLite function that I would like to use in my Python script. When I run the function ...
Sophie Crommelinck's user avatar
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Adding processing buffer output to QgsMapLayerRegistry (argument 1 has unexpected type 'dict')

I'm writing a qgis plugin which needs a fixed-distance-buffer algorithm and must add the buffer result to the map layers of the software. I have the following code: # these are my import list import ...
Ash's user avatar
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postgis ST_Contains with ST_Buffer performance issues

I have a neighborhoods layer and a parcels layer. I want to find how many parcels are in each layer. Initially, I used this query: SELECT, COUNT(parcels_kcgis.geom) AS total FROM ...
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Why does Buffering in QGIS fail with this error: Argument 1 has unexpected type 'NoneType'?

I get this error on both 2.10 & 2.12 on two different machines running Ubuntu 14.04 with Python 2.7.6. When trying to run the fixed-distance buffer on a shapefile with polylines I get the ...
raphael's user avatar
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2 answers

QGIS equivalent of inline variable substitution in ArcGIS?

I am working through some analysis in QGIS and need to iterate through a layer of points and buffer each point and then export to a new layer. I want the new layer names to have the values from a ...
GubbinsG's user avatar
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Use ST_Buffer with a conditional distance based on an attribute

I am quite new to postgres/postgis and are still learning basic skills. I have imported a pointlayer shapefile into my postgres database. I need to make a buffer of varying radius around the points ...
geogrow's user avatar
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PostGIS Nearest Neighbour outside buffer

I am trying to find the 6 nearest neighbours to a point which are outside a defined buffer. Basically I am comparing points of the same table and working with Mike Gleason's examples. WITH subq AS ...
bennos's user avatar
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Creating cluster of crashes using QGIS?

I have a shapefile with 52K points of road accidents, between 2007 and 2012. Each accident has a severity index. I want show clusters of 5 accidents (at least), for each year, that have a severity ...
Luís Ramos's user avatar
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Geodjango: Using Lat / Lon to Buffer from Point

I want to have a radius based distance search. To do this, I want to create a buffer around a point object so that I can filter objects that are inside this buffer, a method that I learned based on a ...
Nick B's user avatar
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How to extract values from intersection of different size buffers with raster?

I have a polygon shape with buffers. However, the buffers are of different size from 4m radius to 15m. In total I have 7 different buffers. I have a landcover raster and I would like to extract ...
Elena Spark's user avatar
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FME remove polygon holes of under size ### sqft and chop the ends off

Quetion #1 I have a wokspace that takes the latest version of my data and creates buffers and then merges those to one polygon. When 2 buffer polygons are near each other and close to create a hole. I ...
Brad Nesom's user avatar
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Selecting points within 2 buffers?

I have 2 huge files of points (hundreds of thousands of points). I need to determine a way to loop through all the points in one file and find all the points in the second file that are only a ...
Just Me's user avatar
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Changing number of default segments in buffer tool in QGIS

The "Buffer" tool of QGIS by default uses five segments per quarter circle. I want to change this default value to e.g. 50, so I don't have to select and replace the current value every time ...
Erik's user avatar
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QGIS: Min & max buffer to cover features in another layer

I'm working with buildings in QGIS (vector polygons) and have two layers - call them a "source" building and multiple "sink" buildings (in second layer). How would I go about ...
ptev's user avatar
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Gdalwarp clip with negative buffer

Is there any simple way to change this command: gdalwarp -tr 10 10 -cutline "shape.shp" -crop_to_cutline -of GTiff "S1A_IW_GRDH_1SDV_20200719T161950_20200719T162015_033526_03E28C_C720....
Flash Thunder's user avatar
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Buffer algorithm doesn't work in a new script from template

I use QGIS 3.10.14 and I begin with PyQGIS. When I tried to make a simple script which use the native buffer algorithm, the output layer came out exactly like the input layer, with the same polygons ...
FloSnow's user avatar
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Creating a square buffer around a shapely polygon

I have a list of polygons in a shapefile that I transform into a geopandas dataframe: polygons = gdp.read_file(polygon_file) then I would like to create the smallest possible square buffer (in lat-...
Pierrick Rambaud's user avatar
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Multiple buffers to both sides of a line using ArcGIS

I am aiming to create multiple buffer zones to both sides of a line that have flat ends where the line ends (unlike 'rounded' edges of multiple ring buffers) and are not connected (each buffer zone to ...
Kristina's user avatar
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Buffering Points Directionally

I have about 10,000 points that I want to apply a partial circular buffer to based on an angle, from -30 to 135°. A similar question for polygons seems to have been answered (How to create an ...
KJYDavis's user avatar
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ArcObjects Memory Leak with IWorkspaceEdit?

I have ArcGIS 10.1 installed. I have created a function for copying all of the features from one shapefile to another using IFeatureBuffer, now every time the function when it is called, it takes ...
Omer Kahoot's user avatar
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Distance from waterways using SDC file?

I have an sdc file with water bodies, i.e. oceans-rivers-lakes. I want to combine it with a shapefile with the boundaries of countries all over the world and produce two measures: 1) The average ...
An_Li's user avatar
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Custom Shapely Cap style

I am currently using shapely and geopandas to parse through a shapefile containing lines to build a rail network. I am using shapely to create a buffer to identify sections of track that cannot be ...
Garrett Anderson's user avatar
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Creating buffers around points with lines as border

I'm trying to create buffers with a 10 meter radius around points (springs). The problem is that the buffer should not cross lines (rivers) and not overlap each other. This should be done automatic ...
Tim's user avatar
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Selecting only the first row of polygons around polygons

I am currently working on my thesis and after trying for a few days I decided to ask this questions since I guess I'm stuck. I'm working on ArcGIS PRO 2.7.0 with datasets obtained via Esri (online) ...
Floris508's user avatar
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How buffering works in GeoPandas?

I try to add a buffer on a set of lines via the buffer attribute of geopandas. But by testing on a simple case (see code below) I realize that the size of the buffer is not kept according to the ...
Robin's user avatar
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How to define voronoi polygon buffer extend in QGIS from layer extend

I'm using QGIS (2.8.1) Voronoi Polygons Algorithm and I would like to extrapolate them to a polygon layer extend. In order to do this, the tool opens a window asking me to enter a number or expression ...
NicoH's user avatar
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Creating 1-sided buffer that varies with slope in ArcMap?

I am a forester using ArcMap 10.5. I need to map the riparian management zone (RMZ) along a river that I have delineated using lines for each shoreline of the river. I have 2 foot contour interval ...
Phil Freeman's user avatar

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