Questions tagged [convert]

"Convert" usually tags questions where a change of physical file format or of coordinate representation is needed.

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Converting shapefile into raster with desired pixels 1km²

I have one shapefile and I want to convert into 1km by 1km pixels in QGIS. Because my raster image is of same resolution so I want to merge and see how many houses are in one cell. I rasterize my tiff ...
user_3264's user avatar
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Converting coordinates in Harrisburg (Pennsylvania) to WGS84 using GeoPandas

I have points in Harrisburg, PA in a GeoPandas (Python) GeoDataFrame with no CRS. How do I convert them to WGS84? I'm trying to do something like below but don't know what CRS to initially set the ...
Bernardo Trindade's user avatar
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Remove or hide layers in geoPDF for PDF to TIFF conversion

I'm using arcpy to convert a collection of maps in geoPDFs to geotiffs using the PDFtoTIFF conversion. There are several layers in the geopdf that I do not want included in the output geotiff for ...
MoxGoat's user avatar
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Converting text file into GeoJSON using Python

I'm trying to take in a txt-file and convert it into data for a GeoJSON dataset with these values. I used this piece of code from this article: Pandas to GeoJSON (Multiples points + features) with ...
Megan Darcy's user avatar
2 votes
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QVariant error when converting DataFrame into attribute table using PyQGIS

I have a df which looks like that: ID Happy 0 Very 1 Little I'm trying to convert it into an attribute table: headers = [col for col in df.columns] fieldlist = QgsFields() fieldlist.append(...
Annie S.'s user avatar
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Converting MapSource gdb files to CSV with GPSBabel - stop waypoint names being replaced by waypoint comments

I have multiple .gdb files that I convert to CSV files using a .bat file in Windows. A simplified version is below: FOR %%i IN (*.gdb) DO "C:\Program Files\GPSBabel\GPSBabel" -w -i gdb -f %%...
Bobneedshelp's user avatar
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Saving multiple classes on raster dataset as individual shapefiles using ArcMap

I have this raster dataset (.tif) of land use cover. There are 22 individual classes in total. Is there any way I can separate these classes and convert them each into individual shapefiles? I want to ...
Benja's user avatar
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Converting GeoTIFF file into NetCDF file in Python and file is empty [closed]

I am trying to convert a GeoTIFF file into NetCDF file (still remains all the information) using either rioxarray or xarray in python. The file is just empty. But when I checked the GeoTIFF file it ...
Happier's user avatar
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Converting CSV file with polygons in dictionary format into GeoDataFrame [closed]

I have a CSV file with data in below format. I want to read this using Python into a GeoPandas' DataFrame where boundary becomes geometry. I'm not even sure where to begin with. pincode city ...
user3733504's user avatar
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Converting lines to points in Google Earth Engine

I am working to extract surface reflectance from the image collection, and I have only line geometry representing the central line of the river. I would like to convert the line into points and each ...
The Mapper's user avatar
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How to convert GeoTIFF file into NeCDF file in Python Jupyter notebook without changing any information?

I am looking for a way to convert GeoTIFF raster file into NetCDF file using Python Jupyter notebook. I have tried function gdal.translate and xarray (.to_netcdf) (as below), but both of them gave me ...
Happier's user avatar
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3 votes
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An observation regarding conversion between geodetic latitude and geocentric latitude

Over at physics.stackexchange someone noticed the something interesting about conversion between geodetic latitude and geocentric latitude: Given: at 45 degrees latitude, height zero, the difference ...
Cleonis's user avatar
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2 votes
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Converting DEM raster (NetCDF file) into point cloud (LAS file) using Python

I would like to convert a DEM raster NetCDF file (*.nc) to point cloud LAS file (LAS/LAZ) using Python language. I have been doing the research but still don't have a result. I also have a look on ...
Happier's user avatar
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3 votes
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Converting grid corners from UTM to degrees, minutes, and second in QGIS

I have a shapefile of a 10km grid that is in UTM projection but I would like to convert all coordinates to Degrees, Minutes, and Seconds. The attribute table has corners (Top, Bottom, left, and right)....
Ndahambelela's user avatar
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Batch conversion of point feature class to raster

I have a point feature class that contains over 100 columns (variables) of data. I would like to convert each column to a raster. The reason for doing this is to create a multiband raster that can be ...
Jason Weber's user avatar
2 votes
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Converting to a CRS and the back to the original CRS, not the same original coordinates

I am using Proj4Net to convert between coordinate systems. I've noticed that when I convert from one coordinate systems (CRS) and them back to the original CRS, the coordinate Y values have changed ...
scott_f's user avatar
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GPS coordinate conversion from meters to decimals in QGIS

I am new to spatial analysis, QGIS & CRSs and seek help with coordinate conversions. I have been told that this is an "easy" process in QGIS but when I tried it, I received the following ...
Dodo's user avatar
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Creating shapefile from JSON file in Python

I would like to create a polygon shapefile from this output in Jupiter. I can't use ArcPy. Is there any other way? {'polygon': 'MULTIPOLYGON (((15.0512620 37.463320, 15.0512620 37.4743620, 15.0732421 ...
GIS GIS's user avatar
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10 votes
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Converting from MultiPolygon to Polygon in PostGIS

I have a table in PostGIS, where the data is currently stored as a MultiPolygon. Each Multipolygon has only a single Polygon in it. How do I query and get the containing Polygon, and not MultiPolygon? ...
Devdatta Tengshe's user avatar
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Converting TIF to GeoTIFF

I am using a function to download Google Maps images given a pair of latitude and longitude of the area. I can manage to change the format of the downloading images into JPEG or PNG or TIFF but I ...
Skarl001's user avatar
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Importing a shapefile to Google Earth Engine without Fusion Tables

I would like to import the Sentinel-2 tiling grid as an asset to Google Earth Engine. This grid is provided as a .kml file on an ESA page: .kml-File Now, unfortunately, Google has discontinued Fusion ...
Michael's user avatar
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Converting shapes from Adobe Illustrator to an ArcGIS Pro feature layer

I have a PDF file with both a basemap and a large number of paths on top of it, which I've edited in Adobe Illustrator. How should I separate the basemap and add the paths as polygon features to a ...
Kari Sorjonen's user avatar
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Saving raster layer from GeoPackage results in large GeoTIFF file

I have a GeoPackage file with a single raster layer and a total size of 0.5 GB that I want to convert to a GeoTIFF file. I imported the original .gpkg in QGIS and exported the one layer as a GeoTIFF, ...
denise's user avatar
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GEE Converting Units of the FLDAS Precipitation data (Rainf_f_tavg) from kg m-2 s-1 to mm/month

Using Google Earth Engine to extract FLDAS dataset for specific coordinates for the time period 1990-2020. I use Rainf_f_tavg Precipitation bands with the default format is kg m-2 s-1. Then i multiply ...
Andreasssouwxt's user avatar
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Recursively reproject shapefiles in folders and subfolders

I would like to recursively reproject shapefiles with different source projections. The shapefiles (109) are saved in deep folder trees. They have 4 different CRS, all the *.prj are present. As result,...
MartinMap's user avatar
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How to convert NAD83 coordinates to Cartesian coordinates expressed in meters?

I have coordinates (longitude, latitude) expressed in NAD83 and I would like to be able to convert them to Cartesian coordinates (X [m], Y [m]) in order to use them for modeling. A similar topic deals ...
narutoArea51's user avatar
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Convert MS Access .mdb database files to alternative formats for work under Linux?

For a long time, I am struggling with .mdb databases I receive for my work under Linux (especially with QGIS). Even from within Access on Windows, I found no convenient way to export the whole ...
Bernd V.'s user avatar
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Points to GPX: Creating waypoints in QGIS for use in GPS

I'm wanting to create and export GPX point data in QGIS, to subsequently load it into my GPS. I started off by creating a New Shapefile Layer with geometry type 'Point'. The fields list contains one ...
AGibson's user avatar
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Converting ordered image bands to image collection and add/restore time stamp in Google Earth Engine [closed]

I received this collection of ordered multiband images and would like to convert them to a single collection, adding a timestamp (system:time_end and system:time_start): https://code.earthengine....
Andrea Markos's user avatar
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Converting Latitude/Longitude to WKB with Python

I have a CSV containing longitude and latitude and was wondering how I can use python to convert them to WKB to provide me with location data? I know it can be done in PostgreSQL using UPDATE mytable ...
gues_505's user avatar
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Converting 2D shapefile to 3D shapefile using XYZ elevation data (or other format if easier)

I am creating some visualizations in ParaView and I have several 2D shapefiles (rivers, lakes, streets, project boundaries etc) but they are all 2D, so are plotted at elevation = 0. I'm hoping to ...
IamNotACoderYet's user avatar
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Coordinate conversion using Python and filename

I'm trying to create a Python function to recognise which coordinate conversion to execute based on the last part of the filename - either BNG for British National Grid or ```IG`` for Irish Grid. The ...
gues_505's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Convert/migrate QGIS 2 Project to QGIS 3 Project automatically

I have over 400 QGIS 2 projects. I would like to automatically transfer these to QGIS3 projects. Is there a tool for that? Or suggestions for batch processing or Python? Now I use Version 3.16, the ...
GisChris's user avatar
3 votes
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Polygon to Lines in Virtual Layer

Is there a way in QGIS to transform a Polygon layer (shapefile) to a Line layer through "Virtual Layers"? In case there is how could I in addition to making the conversion also avoid ...
Felippe M.'s user avatar
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Converting Coordinates in Excel

I am creating a spreadsheet of data to enter into QGIS. My grid references are currently formatted like this: 339614, 133960 - they are the coordinates in the brackets on this site https://www....
Roz Jones's user avatar
4 votes
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How to convert GeoTiff to PNG + World file in QGIS

I have quite a big area with DTM as a GeoTIFF. I want to save it to PNG with world file, but how to do it just in QGIS? I know I can export view to PNG with world file, but it looses quality (Project/...
Lynx's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Converting a drone orthophoto saved as KMZ to TIFF in QGIS

Dragging a drone-obtained orthomosaic image saved as a KMZ file (167mb) into QGIS results in the image being very poor resolution. But when KMZ file is loaded into Google Earth, it's very high ...
Jasper Mowatt's user avatar
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Converting WMS data to vector

For my class project, I need to analyze solar potential within a neighborhood at Wilhelmsburg. We need the Photovoltaic PV area, the amount of radiation taking into account the shading and the ...
Avi Shiplu's user avatar
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Converting PBF to GeoJSON using python3-gdal module

How can I use the module python3-gdal to convert .pbf into .geojson using Python? I've been exploring ogr in python3-gdal module but I can't figure out how to make it work. I do a request, the ...
Falcoa's user avatar
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Is there any easy way of transforming the result of a SpatiaLite query on GeoJSON?

I've converted a huge Shapefile into a SpatiaLite file because I need to make a query that uses a spatial index. My problem started on this question where I wanted to filter a specific area of a ...
raylight's user avatar
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Transforming QML/SLD in XML with QGIS

I have a bunch of .qml and .sld files. I want to convert them to .xml, but I still haven't found a proper way to do it. Does anyone know any plugin or website that I can do this conversion?
Rodrigo Brust's user avatar
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Importing and merging GeoJSON files in QGIS

I have got a dataset of GeoJSON files (26000 polygons). This is the first time for me to work on GeoJSON format and I need to import all rectangles into QGIS, and crucially, I need to dissolve any ...
Luisa's user avatar
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Convert latitude/longitude to three dimensional space

I am working to convert longitude to latitude to three-dimensional space in the form of x,y,z. def transform(lat, lon): x = np.cos(np.radians(lat)) * np.cos(np.radians(lon)) y = np.cos(np....
Suresh Pokharel's user avatar
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Convert x,y coordinates into CRS:84 for GeoJSON

I have several .tif (GeoTIFF) images each with different CRS and spatial resolutions. For each image (.tif file), I have the CRS, 4 extents, data type and pixel size. I then use these images in an ...
Approachable's user avatar
-1 votes
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Are there any free and open source tools to convert JPEG/GeoTIFFs to CADRG format?

I am trying to convert some JPEGs/GeoTIFFs into CADRG format. I have tried to use GDAL in QGIS to convert to RPF/ADRG but with no success. There are licensed tools like ERDAS/Global Mapper which give ...
Sushant's user avatar
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Using R to convert British National Grid to/from WGS84 without creating spatial object

I have several million coordinates (which are either British National Grid or Long/Lat) and need to convert them. I know using R you can do this in a spatial operation (such as in my example below ...
Chris's user avatar
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Converting geopackage to feature class (shapefile or geodatabase) using ArcGIS Pro

I work with ArcGIS Pro and got a geopackage (.gpkg) from a client. It seems that one cannot directly work with the geopackage data in ArcGIS, so I would like to convert it to a shapefile or feature ...
GIS_USAr's user avatar
5 votes
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Converting XYZ tile request to EPSG:27700 XYZ tile request

I have a dataset that is in EPSG:27700 projection, but I have a tool that requests tiles for standard XYZ tiles. So the endpoint currently returns tiles from localhost:3000/z/y/x.png (but it's in ESPG:...
paul_f's user avatar
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Converting excel integer date format to datetime using QGIS

How to convert Microsoft Excel date format to datetime format using QGIS? In example: 43089 in MS Excel is 2017-12-20.
Comrade Che's user avatar
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Very simple Latitude/Longitude to WGS84 conversion

As from here, I'm using the OpenTopography API to download a geoTiff heightmap, and it uses 4 WGS84 Coordinates, but the map I've supplied to the user gives back longitude/latitude coordinates. I'm ...
MilkyDeveloper's user avatar

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