Questions tagged [coordinate-system]

A reference framework consisting of a set of points, lines, and/or surfaces, and a set of rules, used to define the positions of points in space in either two or three dimensions. This tag also refers to cartographic projections and coordinate system transformations.

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9 votes
3 answers

Converting point to lat lon? [duplicate]

I have received a shapefile with measurement points to be analyzed, but no matter how I try, I can't find how to convert to lat lon. I suppose it would be good to know the projection but when I look ...
Chris's user avatar
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6 answers

Real-world example of Affine Transform?

From the Wikipedia article: In geometry, an affine transformation or affine map or an affinity (from the Latin, affinis, "connected with") between two vector spaces (strictly speaking, two affine ...
geographika's user avatar
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3 answers

SRID and Name relationship

PostGIS comes with a table of spatial reference systems with each one being identitfied by a SRID. However, from a user's perspective, SRID is just a number and doesn't tell them much. Is there a ...
user57029's user avatar
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2 answers

Reprojecting layer using PyQGIS

I'm trying to find a very simple solution to reproject a vector layer into a temporary layer in PyQGIS, however documentation is really extensive and I'm fairly new to PyQGIS; the only answer I've ...
Elio Diaz's user avatar
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2 answers

What does the default crs being EPSG:3857 in Leaflet mean?

In the documentation of leaflet, it says the following about the projection that is being used: L.CRS.EPSG3857 The most common CRS for online maps, used by almost all free and commercial tile ...
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3 answers

Specifying CRS of raster layer using PyQGIS

I am manipulating NetCDF raster data from the QGIS Python Console. The metadata of my NetCDF file does not provide the Reference system. However, I know it is 'EPSG:4326'. I am writing a Python script ...
Renaud's user avatar
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2 answers

ogr2ogr srs options: where is the well known definition determined?

In the ogr2ogr documentation it says that when using -a_srs srs_def: Srs_def can be a full WKT definition (hard to escape properly), or a well known definition (ie. EPSG:4326) or a file with a WKT ...
BenjaminGolder's user avatar
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3 answers

Is SRID 4326 Lon/Lat or Lat/Lon?

I built a wep app storing GPS coordinates, as SRID 4326. Coordinates are stored as Lon/Lat, and that was working fine on MySQL 5.6 and MySQL 5.7. Since I upgraded to MySQL 8, I get the following error ...
BenMorel's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

When to enable 'On the fly' CRS transformation in QGIS? When to turn it off?

I understand what 'On the fly' does, and I have re-read I tend to have it turned on all the time, but I don'...
Martin Hügi's user avatar
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9 votes
4 answers

World map projection with United States in center

I am creating a map showing flight paths originating in the United States and traveling to Asia and Europe. I need a projection for the world that will focus the United States in the center of the map,...
elhamilton's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Clipping polygons to hemisphere for azimuthal orthographic projection using QGIS

I'm a bit of a novice with QGIS, so this is really throwing me for a loop. For the maps I'm intending on making, an azimuthal orthographic projection would be my preference. For example, one map I'...
Jack Gallagher's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Lat/Lon/Alt to spherical or cartesian coordinates

On my previous question, it was advised I convert lat/lon/altitude to spherical or Cartesian coordinates. I'm not working near the poles and it would be safe to assume a spherical earth. What would be ...
Thomas O's user avatar
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2 answers

What Spatial Reference System do I store Google Map's Lat/Lng in

I am new to PostGIS, Spatial Reference Systems and projections and want to store lat/lng coordinates retrieved from Google Maps and Openstreetmap and its services like the Geocoder/Nominatim. I'm ...
Nyxynyx's user avatar
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3 answers

Is the quadrilateralized spherical cube map projection the same as Snyder's cubic equal area map projection?

Is the quadrilateralized spherical cube map projection [1] the same as Snyder's cubic equal area map projection [2]? I know both are equal area polyhedral map projections (
araichev's user avatar
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1 answer

Equal Area SRID for Australia

Does anyone know the SRID for an equal area projection that is suitable for the whole of Australia? I realize that I could make my own (which I have done) but I am looking for one that is present ...
Kelso's user avatar
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2 answers

Using grid files (*.gsb) in QGIS

When opening a data source in EPSG:25832 in a project with crs set to EPSG:31468 I am prompted to select a datum transformation (e.g. +nadgrids=BETA2007.gsb) The nationwide standardized grid file for ...
Jochen Schwarze's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

Distance measurements across UTM zones: use geographic or planar approaches?

I have a survey grid spread across 3 UTM zones (36N, 36S, 37S). I want to find the nearest (or shortest) distances of the centroids of these grids to roads and various points between. It seems like ...
XNSTT's user avatar
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2 answers

Re-projecting raster in R: gives warning that projected point(s) not finite?

1. Question I have encountered a warning using the projectRaster() function in the raster package in R. A full reproducible example is pasted below. Warning message: In rgdal::rawTransform(...
mike's user avatar
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1 answer

What is my coordinate system preserving?

I'm trying to get a better grasp of coordinate systems, datums, projections etc. I understand that certain systems preserve different things; distance, shape, angles, area. I'm wondering how you can ...
Lisa's user avatar
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1 answer

gdal_translate or gdalwarp to define projection

Which of these is the best approach to define (AKA. set) a projection for a tiff? 1) gdal_translate -a_srs EPSG:32182 in.tif out.tif 2) gdalwarp -s_srs EPSG:32182 -t_srs EPSG:32182 in.tif out.tif
Rick's user avatar
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2 answers

Why are heatmaps on qgis 2.8.1 produced in the wrong CRS?

I noticed that the heatmap calculation on the new upgrade version of qgis is given the raster map without any coordinate system. Have you got the same problem?
Gil Gonçalves's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Convert coordinates from readShapePoly in R to long-lat coordinates

I'm trying to find some centroids of a shapefile for Danish municipalities and afterwards find the driving time between them. I use R's readShapePoly function from maptools combined with the ...
sBarfort's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

Using ArcMap, how may I convert a shapefile to use decimal degrees?

I have a shapefile that currently uses meters as the measure for its coordinate system, but the map framework I wish to use expects decimal degrees. I'd like to reproject my shapefile to use decimal ...
David Mills's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

ValueError: Cannot transform naive geometries

I was trying to execute this code: # Load geojson files country = gpd.read_file('svn_buffered.geojson') train_shp = "large_training_aoi.geojson" test_shp = "large_test_aoi.shp" train_polyg = gpd....
Rim Sleimi's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Adding CRS to shapefile in GeoPandas

I am trying to add CRS to a shapefile that I am exporting: shp1 = gpd.read_file(i[1], encoding='iso8859_7', crs_wkt='2100') shp1.to_file(out, encoding='iso8859_7', crs_wkt='2100') When I import it to ...
user10092387's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

Choosing UTM zone to use for large country?

I want to reproject OpenStreetMap roads data from the current projection (WGS 84) to UTM, since I read in another GIS SE Q&A(Getting $length in meters in QGIS?) that WGS 84 cannot be used to ...
marquisdecarabas's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Getting units from ISpatialReference of ArcObjects?

How do I get the units (meter/feet) from an ISpatialReference object in ArcObjects?
user2449's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Order of latitude and longitude in EPSG:4326

I recently started working with GPS data in PostGIS and am very confused about the order of latitude and longitude. I'm from Europe, and here everyone I know uses latitude first, longitude second, e.g....
Klamann's user avatar
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1 answer

Why Google Maps no longer disable Mercator's projection on zoom out

Back in 2018, Google Maps start to get rid of mercator's projection in maximum zoom-out So we can see the size of island (moreover those in poles) in it's original sizes But today I try both in PC and ...
mightyhorn's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

Convert an arbitrary meta-data-free map image into QGIS project

My background: experienced programmer, amateur historian, complete beginner to GIS (so I'm using QGIS). I did learn to use the QGIS georeferencer tool though. The input: suppose I have an image like ...
Ahmed Fasih's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Why are there both square and rectangle world maps?

When i search for images of earth divides to longitude ans latitudes seems that the are 2 major types: is a perfect square and the latitudes in it are grow a different rate from the equator to up ...
Shlomi's user avatar
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1 answer

Geopandas vs QGIS vs ArcGIS area values

I'm calculating areas of a KML in QGIS, ArcGIS and GeoPandas and all of then are different, my results are this: Geopandas ArcGIS QGIS 29.3498 28.500084 25,651554 The original crs of the KML is ...
Luis Medina's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

Sentinel-2 projection shift

I recently observe a shift in the geographic projection of Sentinel 2 data. Please see the screenshots below for clarification (Granule T33UXP, Band 8 only). The first image was taken on 20160314, the ...
unnic's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Why recommended transformation is not the most accurate in QGIS?

When I am prompted for a transformation to use in QGIS, the recommended/default option (in green) is the least accurate one. In my case, QGIS recommends a transformation with an accuracy of 6m when ...
Immersion.Ninja's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Setting proj parameters of old map

I would like to georeference these fantastic old public domains maps I started from this one, and it has these projection parameters. Then I have ...
aborruso's user avatar
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1 answer

Georeferencing LAS files in geographic coordinates (lat/lon) or in cartesian (projected) ones?

First of all, I am a newbie in GIS. I have a lidar point cloud with GPS and telemetry data associated. Then, I transform coordinates of every point to an ECEF coordinate system and finally I ...
cpiury's user avatar
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2 answers

Understanding GeoTIFF tags?

I'm trying to understand GeoTIFF info, but not getting far. For instance, using listgeo with one file I can get this output: Geotiff_Information: Version: 1 Key_Revision: 1.0 Tagged_Information:...
Kyudos's user avatar
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1 answer

An example Tissot ellipse for an Equirectangular Projection?

I am trying to calculate distortion of an equirectangular projection via Tissot indicatrices. I have tried following the directions on this post (among other things) but it is beyond my understanding ...
NCashew's user avatar
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3 answers

Is the GEO tag for QR codes lat/long or long/lat

I just found out that you can add a geographic component to a QR code. I also just found you can create one on the Google Chart API using this:
Mark Ireland's user avatar
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3 answers

Bertin 1953 map projection settings

I am trying to use the Bertin 1953 map projection, as described in the book "Semiology of graphics" by Jacques Bertin. But I can't find the settings in any of my GIS software. Does anybody ...
Luc Guillemot's user avatar
9 votes
4 answers

Using PROJ.4 library to transform from local coordinate system coordinates to global coordinate system using ground control points?

I have a point cloud whose coordinates are with respect to a local coordinate system. I also have ground control points with GPS values. Can I convert these local coordinates to a global coordinate ...
user18953's user avatar
9 votes
5 answers

Using base layer of two different projections (Spherical Mercator and WGS84) in OpenLayers

How do I add baselayer with two different projections? I have added overlayer with a different projection(EPSG:4326), but I need to add base layer with various projection Google Maps My vector ...
kinkajou's user avatar
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1 answer

Printable Globe in QGIS

I'm trying to figure out how to use QGIS to print a map so that it can be wrapped around a sphere. I haven't found a projection that will display the map in a way similar to these. It sounds like ...
cndnflyr's user avatar
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1 answer

Using transform function in QGIS layer geometry generator?

I'm trying to use the following expression in the geometry generator in a QGIS layer to show a 1-mi boundary around points: buffer(transform($geometry, 'EPSG:4326', 'EPSG:102654'), 5280) However, the ...
DPSSpatial_BoycottingGISSE's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Nearest point on a line ( Spherical / Mercator projection )

I have a line (Ax,Ay - Bx,By) over a mercator projection (google maps) and a random point (Cx,Cy) nearest to that line, i would to know the closest point (transparent blue on the image) over that line ...
Colas's user avatar
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1 answer

QGIS 3.0.0. Coordinate display incorrect

My CRS is reported by QGIS (project properties) as being ED50/UTM31N (EPSG 23031) and that seems to be correct as all layers are positioned correctly. However, the coordinate display box shows the ...
Dave Richards's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Crop raster based on another raster R

library(raster) How can one clip one raster based on another raster? RasA: class : RasterLayer dimensions : 459, 533, 244647 (nrow, ncol, ncell) resolution : 10000, 10000 (x, y) extent ...
code123's user avatar
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1 answer

Mercator bias plot in Leaflet

I was inspired by this wikipedia image from the mercator projections page to hack around with leaflet. The idea was to interactively have your cursor move a continent and that it would be corrected ...
Vincent Warmerdam's user avatar
9 votes
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How do ESRI and QGIS calculate scale values of geographic projections? [closed]

Does anyone know how (from which location) scale values are calculated in ESRI products and QGIS for geographic projections? The only thing I've noticed is that QGIS is changing scales when you pan ...
Karol Kolenda's user avatar
8 votes
7 answers

Convert 3D WKT to 2D Shapely Geometry

I have the WKT of many linestrings which contains three dimensions, however my script only requires a two dimensional linestring and I therefore want to discard the third dimension. My current code, ...
Rusty Magoo's user avatar

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