Questions tagged [free-software]

Free software is software that can be downloaded, installed, and used for no (financial) cost. It does not imply open-source software.

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142 votes
42 answers

What free programs should every GIS user have installed?

Note: This question is specifically about installed, desktop software. There is another question specifically about free cloud-based software and services. What free programs should every GIS user ...
2 votes
1 answer

Downloading ArcObjects SDKs for .NET?

Can anyone can suggest where I can freely download ArcObjects SDKs for ArcGIS? I am using version 10.2.
Arun's user avatar
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16 votes
6 answers

Finding pseudo nodes in free GIS software?

Software gvSIG OA Digital Edition 2010 have tools topology for finding pseudo nodes in linear geometry. I set cluster tolerance 0.00002 and maximum number of errors -10000 for 20000 link count linear ...
15 votes
3 answers

Is there image editing software that will not alter a GeoTIFF's embedded georeferencing?

I know there are a couple workarounds for this but I was hoping a direct solution exists. I am looking for an image editor (like Photoshop but hopefully free software) which can be used to edit ...
Dan C's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Converting LAS 1.4 to 1.2

LIDAR files were released for major part of Slovenia few months back in zlas format. Decompressed LAS format is 1.4 version. I have tried many options how to generate DEMs and had some success in ...
Jost Hobic's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Automatic bulk snapping with FOSS

I'm looking for a tool that would be able to automatically snap features closer than a given distance. Is there such a tool/plugin for QGIS/GRASS/OpenJump? Would it be possible to achieve that with ...
Michal Zimmermann's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

Is there free WFS 2.0 client?

I have the task to provide my point observations data in the "WFS 2.0" (Web Feature Service 2.0) standard format. Are there any free, easy-to-use, desktop GIS clients or online viewers for showing ...
16 votes
6 answers

What free or open source cloud-based software is recommended by/for the GIS community?

Note: This question is intended to complement an earlier question on installed, desktop software. What GIS-related, or even non-GIS-specific, web- or cloud-based software/tools/services -- that are ...
14 votes
3 answers

How could I turn my data into a heatmap / intensity map?

I have database that tracks a large number of entities. Each entity has a 'coverage area' or 'catchment area' - a radius in miles from a specified UK postcode, eg Leyton office 4.3m E11 4LL ...
Jimmy Breck-McKye's user avatar
13 votes
4 answers

Free Alternative to AutoCAD Map

I would like to know if there are any free (for commercial use) software packages that roughly correlate to the functionality in AutoCAD Map. Specifically, I am looking for something that is: ...
jvangeld's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Can OpenGeo Community Edition be used in commercial project? [closed]

I would like to know if the Community edition of OpenGeo Suite can be used in a commercial project? And, if so, what are the conditions of use for the Community edition?
user18245's user avatar
6 votes
5 answers

Landscape software to analyze amount of dirt moved

I'm about to embark upon a design project for re-contouring landscape around my home. Assuming I get an accurate measurement of the landscape into the computer, and after I modify the landscape model ...
Phrogz's user avatar
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