Questions tagged [mapbox]

A company that creates different tools for styling and deploying maps as well as providing services for hosting maps

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Using Mapbox Studio (aka Tilemill 2) to create a self-hosted map

What would be the neccessary prerequisites to run a map/tile-server (serving raster tiles) using an exported vector source and tm2z-styleset? Has anyone set up a working environment for that? Is ...
Alexander Rutz's user avatar
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How to view a single Mapbox Vector Tile?

I know of setups that display sets of Mapbox Vector Tiles packaged inside a .mbtiles file in a webmap (e.g. ). But as part of some experiments I ...
Mohan's user avatar
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Use MapBox Satellite basemap in ArcGIS Online web map

I want to add the MapBox Satellite basemap layer as an option in my ArcGIS Online web app. There is a widget that allows users to toggle between basemaps and I would like MapBox Satellite to be an ...
cbunn's user avatar
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How to query features of raster layers hosted on GeoServer that are added to Mapbox?

Currently working with Mapbox gl js. I know for OpenLayers there's a function called GetFeatureInfo to do this, but is there a similar one for Mapbox? What I want to do is whenever the user clicks on ...
supaaaRoboto's user avatar
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Adding WMTS service as Basemap in Mapbox?

I am trying out Mapbox and I do not see any ways to add my WMTS service as a basemap in Style in Mapbox. Instead of using the Mapbox basemap, I will like to use a WMTS service as the basemap. There ...
user45979's user avatar
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MapBox GL JS Draw plugin: how to modify point dimensions?

I need to modify the point dimensions in an application that use MapBox GL JS Draw plug-in (rif. I've tried to produce a little example with this code: &...
Cesare's user avatar
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In MapBox Studio Classic (cartocss) is it possible to style a #waterway to show up at zoom levels below 8

I'm working with Mapbox studio classic, using Mapbox Streets V6 as the vector tile source. I'm working on a project specifically related to waterways, and only larger bodies of water (#water in ...
bjnsn's user avatar
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How to load geojson vector tiles from mapbox id?

I have some data hosted on mapbox and I'm trying to load it as tiled geojson into Leaflet from its mapbox id (I just want to get plain geojson, I'm not trying to render it). How can I achieved that? ...
Frederic Le Feurmou's user avatar
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Load external tileJSON file in Mapbox

I have tiles generated by Maperitive from an OSM file, and there's a nice tiles.json generated with them which specifies neatly the tiles-path, bounding box, minzoom, maxzoom, center, etc. The format ...
Nikhil VJ's user avatar
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Using MiniMap addin in Leaflet?

I am trying to get a webmap working with leaflet.js. I found the beautiful addon of a MiniMap. But I do not get how it works. It works, if I only have one baselayer; MiniMaps shows up correctly. If I ...
hoge6b01's user avatar
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Mapbox GL JS - Is there a way to specify a different zoom level for mobile devices?

With Mapbox GL JS, is there a way to specify a different zoom level for mobile devices? I found two examples, both from the older mapbox.js (links below), but I can't seem to translate them to GL JS ...
Melissa's user avatar
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Change cursor when hovering over features in WMS and ArcGIS tilelayers

I'm using Mapbox with Leaflet to retrieve WMS and ArcGIS tiles. I have added the ability to retrieve attributes from the WMS servers and ArcGIS servers with WMS capabilities turned on. I would like ...
bdk0172's user avatar
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Using MapBox mobile client with GeoServer Protocols?

MapBox client is beauty and easy to use. But it seems only support their own protocols (GeoJSON & KML & TileJSON). GeoServer Only support WCS & WFS & WMS & TMS & WMS-C & ...
Moon soon's user avatar
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Mapbox Satellite - Digitizing

As a part of project scope we have to deliver to the Client digitized data sets – some houses and roads. Can we use Mapbox Satellite global imagery layer [1] under Professional plan [2] for feature ...
Geo's user avatar
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Retrieve MapBox tiles in vector format rather than raster

I am using MapBox and I would like to render my tiles directly from vector format but I was not able to find how to retrieve the tiles in vector format rather than bitmap. So, when I use this url: ...
flp's user avatar
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How to style geojson polygon using L.mapbox.featureLayer()

I have this code: var SupIncend = L.mapbox.featureLayer().addTo(map); var ArbolesAntes = L.mapbox.featureLayer().addTo(map); var ArbolesX = L.mapbox.featureLayer().addTo(map); var ...
Inclanfunk's user avatar
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TileMill shows black lines around raster layers

I've taken a large number of raster images and added them to TileMill. Everything has worked great. The problem that I am seeing is that TileMill adds a small black line around each layer. I know that ...
BLeB's user avatar
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Determine envelope of geometry for all zoom levels

I'm using PostGIS to serve Mapbox Vector Tiles on my NodeJS server. I'd like to speed up the process a bit by storing the x and y envelope for every zoom level. That way when a request is made it ...
krummens's user avatar
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Update a choropleth layer by zoom level when using a GeoJSON in Mapbox

I am trying to replicate this example, but instead of using the Mapbox tiles, I am using a GeoJSON. Independently the layers show, but ...
L Smeets's user avatar
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Exporting an inverted polygon in QGIS outputs a NON-inverted polygon

I am trying to export an inverted polygon layer to a GeoJSON in QGIS 3.16.1 Hannover (using same process to this) but everytime I export and save it, the output is NOT an inverted one. I'm trying to ...
Joseph Ricafort's user avatar
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Mapbox tiles not showing on Leaflet map using Google Chrome There is a 403 (Forbidden) error and the Mapbox tiles will not display when viewing from Google Chrome (zoom in six times with the mouse wheel ...
Pfalbaum's user avatar
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Leaflet Route In multiple lat long

i'm expected output picture attached to him by sample google map. given the following my leaflet map script. but cannot enable to achieve i will expected output. function single_vehicle_route(data){ ...
tamil's user avatar
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Leaflet.label Plugin Not Working

I am trying to use the leaflet.label plugin and have had no success getting it to recognize .bindLabel. I am a very basic user, new to Java and Leaflet. I'm trying .bindLabel with a simple, single ...
mastermapper's user avatar
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Creating Custom OSM Map Stylesheet (Ubuntu tileserver)

I have researched, but not found yet a way to create custom stylesheets like ex.: OSMBright, or carto-openstreetmap stylesheets, and integrate it on my own Ubuntu Tileserver from Openstreetmap data. ...
Festim Cahani's user avatar
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I want to make an interactive map where the end user can filter the data

I've been looking at services like CartoDB and Mapbox for making and hosting some interactive maps. However, it doesn't seem like they provide the option for the end user to filter through the data ...
user2192778's user avatar
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Mapbox Geocoding and dropping single marker

I added Mapbox's Geocoder control and the function to have a marker appear in the found location to a map. My problem is that every new search now renders a new marker. What I would like is that once ...
teebs's user avatar
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Mapbox GL JS Geocoder marker

I'm still a js noob. I am currently developing a map using the Mapbox GL JS API with their geocoding plugin, however, I'm am not seeing any examples of adding a marker after the return. I did find ...
PDX's user avatar
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resize divIcons (svgs) at zoom levels - Leaflet

I am adding a geoJSON to a map using a custom divIcon (from svg) for point markers with Leaflet. The divIcon needs to resize on different zoom levels. Currently I can see the icons and the popup ...
JasonBK's user avatar
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My Own Map server, Making my maps look like Mapbox streets or Skobbler

I want to make my own map server However, I need to find the right style The OSM style is pretty ugly, I really like the Skobbler maps or Mapbox streets I basically want to ...
Quade's user avatar
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Mapbox Studio Classic layers to TileMill

Is it possible to copy a layer from Mapbox Studio Classic and use it in TileMill? Or at least how can I open the layer in say, a text editor and see its content so I can replicate in TileMill. This is ...
SleepNot's user avatar
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Change point symbol in mapbox.js/leaflet/esri-leaflet.js [closed]

I am completely new to these libraries. Until now, everything shows up very fine. I got my mapbox as a basemap and added some point data provided by an ArcGIS Server. To get the AGS data onto the map ...
hoge6b01's user avatar
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Add image to bottom corner of MapBox.js map

I have a MapBox.js map up and running and I would like to add an image to the bottom left corner. I tried adding in this code: <img src="IMAGE URL" height=100 style=’position:fixed;bottom:0px;...
cbunn's user avatar
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Calculate distance and surface with mapbox api

Is there a way to draw lines and polygons (with geojson) and calculate distance and polygon surface with the mapbox api or leaflet? I wish to have the same tools as in with the extra ...
Inclanfunk's user avatar
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CartoCSS layer visibility

I am working in TileMill and I have a number of layers in two different levels of detail. I have assigned classes to the layers "highdetail" and "lowdetail", and I know how to use the zoom selector - ...
hugo's user avatar
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Which are the Geojson css style properties for mapbox.js?

I try to style a LineString in a Mapbox Map through L.Geojson and all the style properties I could find are: fillColor, colour, weight, opacity. Does anyone know if there is something else? For ...
Inclanfunk's user avatar
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Projecting using OpenLayers, Drupal, and MapBox

I've installed OpenLayers in Drupal 7 and created a view that pulls geofield data for a "Geography" vocabulary (states, tribes, and U.S. jurisdictions) and shows points on a map that I'm storing on ...
beuner's user avatar
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How to efficiently render and enable user interaction on thousands of points with Leaflet?

I've got a large dataset comprised of about 10k points representing gas stations. Some of these gas stations sell diesel fuel, others do not. In my web map, I want to let the user switch between ...
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Stitch mapbox tiles

I have customized mapbox tiles and i need to print it on A2 size paper on high zoom level at around scale of 500 to 1000. I am thinking of stitching the adjacent tiles together to form a single big ...
poshan's user avatar
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Are lines drawn on most web maps wrong? [closed]

Lets imagine a shortest path (on the surface of earth ellipsoid) between CA, US and Greenland. Also lets add a point on the middle of that path. If we now draw the path as a line on a map using ...
ristiisa's user avatar
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Combining style JSON by hand in Mapbox

I want to use the base vector terrain style in Mapbox add a custom XYZ raster layer over that (only covers a specific corridor) add additional vector layers over that (visible above the raster, which ...
U2ros's user avatar
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Multiple Criteria in Mapbox Expressions

I am trying to determine method of stying across a data range using 'get' expression and multiple criteria in Mapbox Studio using Mapbox Expressions. In the example below I want to style a marker ...
wtgeographer's user avatar
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Changing Mapbox popup based on null values

I currently have a popup in Mapbox that displays some properties and a photo. Not all of the points have photos though, so the ones that have a null value in the image link field just show a blank box ...
Melissa's user avatar
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Geodata for label layer in vector tiles

I'm trying to get familiar with creating my custom vector tiles. For this purpose I'm creating a simple world map with country boundaries based on natural earth shapefiles. I'm creating the vector ...
Flavio's user avatar
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Get MapBox Marker Coordinates Dynamically

I am new to MapBox and this may be a very simple solution, what I am trying to Achieve is to get the Coordinates of the marker which pops up when I search for Any Address/Location in the Search box. ...
Prince Kadiwar's user avatar
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Adding Street layer to a Satellite map

I am new to openlayers and I am using OpenLayers Version: 6.3.1. I need to display a satellite map. I have used mapbox API to display the satellite map. It doesn't have streets and displays only the ...
Balaji RA's user avatar
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Publishing a vector layer from GeoServer to use in Mapbox

I have published a vector file in GeoServer 2.15.1. How can I add this layer to Mapbox? The example in works fine but when I use my layer in the provided format it keeps showing 404 ...
Mohammadhossein's user avatar
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Bringing GeoServer CSS styled layer to Mapbox

I have a CSS styled layer in GeoServer 2.16.1 with CSS Extension and trying to bring my layer to Mapbox. Unfortunately it comes only as simple lines. But if bring this layer to Mapbox it shows ...
Soyol A's user avatar
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Leaflet map GeoJSON placemarks with image slideshow

I am wondering how to create leaflet map where GeoJSON placemarks provide the image slideshow as per the example below: ...
Geographos's user avatar
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Can Mapbox legends / overlay boxes be displayed differently when viewed on mobile devices?

I created a webmap using Mapbox GL JS for my website. In a desktop browser, it looks exactly the way that I want it to look. When I load it on a mobile device, the information box and legend are too ...
Melissa's user avatar
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Converting Vector Tiles to Raster Tiles

I have created a Vector tile server using TileserverGL/Tessera. I have exported a few MBTiles layers through Tippecanoe. I must have to use Multiple MBTiles. Then I have designed the map through a ...
Devils Dream's user avatar
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