Questions tagged [mapnik]

Mapnik is an open source mapping toolkit, written in C++ and can be scripted using binding languages such as JavaScript (Node.js), Python, Ruby, and Java. Useful for both Desktop- and Server-based map rendering. It is used by Tilemill, OpenStreetMap, Mapbox, CartoDB, Stamen, MapQuest and Kosmtik.

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Custom projection with mapnik

I would like to superimpose openstreetmap data over a raster image, using mapnik. My problem is that this image is not in a projection being defined by a SRS, I have some non-linear algorithm to run ...
J. Martinot-Lagarde's user avatar
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Offline Map Service with Mapnik and Leaflet

I'm relatively new to GIS, so I hope my asking doesn't appear to be ignorant in any way. I currently work on an offline map service solution for usage in areas without internet connection. For that ...
David's user avatar
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Mapnik + OpenStreetMap + Shapefile with Raster Images + Mod Tile + PostGIS

I am new to GIS. I have a Shapefile (.shp, .shx and .pbf). The .pbf file contains path to PNG files located on my machine only. I was able to save the Shp data to PostGis via Shape2Gis tool. Now ...
Aditya's user avatar
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How to render tiles from kml file

I'm trying to render tiles out of a KML file. Normally, I'd render tiles out of an planet.osm extract. For example, I'd select a tag using osmosis and then process it with osm2pgsql. Then I'd ...
zom-pro's user avatar
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Adding another style to an OpenStreetMap server using Mapnik, PostGIS, etc

I have created an OpenStreetMap server using the guide Manually building a tile server (12.04). It's very good and works like a charm. I have also been able to add a new theme using TileMill and osm-...
petur's user avatar
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Render tiles in the sea

I installed a mapserver on my own server with mapnik, apache and mod_tile. I build an application with WorldWind and my map server. My problem is that there are blank tiles instead of blue tiles to ...
alexf's user avatar
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Installing OpenStreetMap Tile Server with Custom Projection Systems?

I am trying to install the OSM tile server on a local machine with a custom projection system like epsg:3573. For the server installation I followed this tutorial (
abraham poorazizi's user avatar
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Custom OSM, styling points

I have my own OSM file, which is created by some application which I written. You can see some of nodes in my OSM file bottom of the post. I want to fill +/-0.0001 latitude, +/-0.0001 longitude ...
Chapuller's user avatar
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Carto-CSS/ Mapnik XML Text background color

I want to add a background color to my labels. How do I do that with Carto-CSS in Tilemill or with Mapnik? Carto-CSS #marker_labels { text-name: "[name]"; text-face-name:@sans; text-size: 20; ...
ustroetz's user avatar
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Tiles taking too long to render

I've followed the tutorial available here. The installation worked alright, but opening the tile in a browser leads to a 404 error. The only error from the server is "Failed to read cmd on fd 10". ...
alexf's user avatar
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How to style ways with CartoCSS depending on a relation property (OSM)

I'm using CartoCSS together with an OSM Postgres DB (hstore on). I want to set the line color depending on the operator tag of relations (routes). How can I do that? Update Thanks to Paul Norman for ...
didi_bcg's user avatar
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mapnik rendering with OSM Carto style

When I want to make png tiles that look like ones in osm tile server what I need to do? Do I need to import data to postGIS db somehow WITH osm Carto style or I can just import it "normally" w/o ...
BPiek's user avatar
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How to use OSM Bright with Mapnik Renderd

I have set up an OSM tile server using instructions at this blog - The slippymap renders ...
Tech Sens's user avatar
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Geojson not rendered with Mapnik

I am trying to generate a tile with Mapnik with a GeoJSON. The stylesheet.xml with the part to render the GeoJSON is the following: <Style name="cities" filter-mode="first"> <Rule> &...
ustroetz's user avatar
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Mapnik error using .xml from TileMill

I wanted to render PNG tiles (like form tile server of OSM). I made PostGIS db, successfully run TileMill with OSMBright style. I read that I need now export Mapnik XML from TileMill. I checked Mapnik ...
BPiek's user avatar
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Difference between 2 projections?

I have osm.xml file where projection is defined as follows: Map background-color="grey" srs="&srs900913;" minimum-version="2.0.0"> n settings.xml file projection is also set there as: <!ENTITY ...
user2174920's user avatar
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PostGis geometry name lookup failed for table

I have a table name erpAssets which has column name Region of type polygon. it contains entries of points also like (-79.4609576808001,43.9726680183837)). I have written query which convert these ...
user2174920's user avatar
5 votes
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Use Mapnik tiles in QGIS

I want to use the QGIS Map Composer with Python to automatically generate maps. As a base map of these maps I want to use tiles generated with Mapnik. Currently I am serving the tiles with mod_tile ...
ustroetz's user avatar
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Apache2 is missing conf.d file

I am following this tutorial about how to create my own tiles and got stuck on slide 20. I am trying to tell my web server about my mod_tile installation. However the folder /etc/apache2 doesn't have ...
ustroetz's user avatar
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Generating Interactive Tiles using Nodejs, Mapnik, and PostGIS for Leaflet

I am looking to do something like this but where I have all the data on the same server. I've been following through the set of tutorials @ and I'm having some difficulty. ...
ideamotor's user avatar
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Only Draw Geometric Objects Above 8th Parallel North

I have many geometric objects (in both SRID:4326 - the_geom - and SRID:3857 - the_web_geom - in PostGIS extension tables of PostgreSQL), including country boundaries, for the country of Ghana and I ...
hotshotiguana's user avatar
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Configuring Mapproxy + Mapnik for using Getfeatureinfo [duplicate]

This is probably a duplicate of this question: How to configure mapproxy and mapnik for getfeatureinfo requests, however, that one is old and still unanswered. I'm trying to configure a Mapproxy ...
alv-r-'s user avatar
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Mapnik: GeoTIFF flipped (mirrored vertically)

I generated a GeoTiff using the QGIS HeatMap plugin and want to render it on top of some OSM data. The problem is that the raster gets rendered upside-down in the output. Can someone point me in the ...
ilia choly's user avatar
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Cannot install node-mapnik on Windows 2008 x64

I have been spending the last few days trying to get node-mapnik running but with no success. Initially inspired by Wilhelm Berg's demo which renders pure vector maps using node-mapnik I was ...
David's user avatar
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Avoid text/shields from being too close using Mapnik xml

I'm having the problem of text/shields from different layers appear too close to each other on the map generated from Mapnik xml. The screenshot below shows the problem I have three layers in this ...
Hong Xia's user avatar
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Renderd outputs "failed to initialize projection 4326"

I'm setting up a tile server using the guide provided here. I have everything set up. proj4 is installed in version 4.8.0. The espg file is existant, I ran an xmllint over my xml style file without ...
Johnny Cusack's user avatar
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Can't install CartoDB on Ubuntu Lucid - mapnik dependency issue

Previously asked this question at askubuntu - but maybe here is the right place. I'm trying to install CartoDB, and have run into the dreaded "you may have requested an impossible situation" message: ...
Steve Bennett's user avatar
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How to optimize color ramp for terrain

I'm working on a project to highlight LiDAR terrain on the web and part of the idea is to show the detail of the data at large scales. I've already read through the excellent Mapbox guide and I've got ...
Bryan Luman's user avatar
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Tilecache config for generation Mapnik tile

I have an XML stylesheet like below: map: <Map srs="+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0.0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs +over" background-...
Hasan Ramezani's user avatar
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Can't run node-mapnik-sample-code

I'm using ubuntu 12.04. I installed mapnik from packages as described here: now I want to run node-mapnik-sample-code from here: https://github....
foobarbaz's user avatar
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Is there a OSM data server that returns vector data based on a bounding box?

I would like to know if exist some OSM data server, not tiled, just data. I know it is possible to import OSM data in your own server, but because you need robust server architecture, it wont be ...
Below the Radar's user avatar
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Mapnik render Error : Could not create datasource for type 'postgis'

I try to use mapnik render for a tile server. During the initialization 'renderd -f -c /usr/local/etc/renderd.conf', the following error message is displayed : An error occurred while loading the map ...
marcu's user avatar
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How to install everything "geo" in Ubuntu?

I am new to Ubuntu SAUCY and I must confess the transition from Windows has not been really easy for me. On Windows everything seems pretty much straight forward but I am getting frustrated because It ...
Anthony's user avatar
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Install node-mapnik on Windows

After successfully working with node-mapnik (and the gorgeous vector tiles) on Linux I'm trying to set them up on Windows too, but have come to a dead end. What I've done so far: Installed mapnik 2....
Wilhelm Berg's user avatar
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Can Mapnik 2.2 and Qgis 2.0.1 be installed together?

I'm using LM15 (== Ubuntu 13.04 Raring) with the Launchpad repos for Qgis Unstable 2.0.1 and Mapnik 2.2.0. Quantum wants libgdal1h; Mapnik wants libgdal1. As soon as I install one, the other gets ...
Josh Brooks's user avatar
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Drawing bus routes on OpenStreetMap with mapnik [closed]

I have successfully set up PostgreSQL with PostGIS and MapNik to serve map tiles. The database is populated with data from OpenStreetMap project. I can see that bus routes are in the data-set, but I ...
sposnjak's user avatar
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Serving multiple styles from tile server

I installed an OSM Mapnik tile server (according to the switch2osm documentation). Now, i'd like to serve tiles in different styles from the same server. Is this somehow possible?
patrickruetter's user avatar
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Styling river charts with TileMill - issue with filling a polygon made of disjoint line segments

I am trying to style inland river charts produced by the Army Corps of Engineers. I imported the vectors into Postgres, and I’m using TileMill to style the data. I am having trouble correctly filling ...
Andrew Johnson's user avatar
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Architecture for serving OSM-Mapnik Tiles

I am currently trying to set up a Mapping-Service for serving OSM-Mapnik Tiles. In my project we want to use the Mapnik-Layer as a BaseLayer for our GI-Application. I am quite new to Mapnik (only used ...
arwesley27's user avatar
7 votes
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Using Tilestache and Leaflet To Display Rasters In Native Projection

I have a collection of old Idaho state highway maps in GeoTiff format. The projection that these maps have been georeferenced in is a transverse mercator projection, called IDTM83 (Idaho Transverse ...
SagebrushGIS's user avatar
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gdal2tiles doesn't use resampling method correct?

I'm using gdal2tiles to create tiles from MODIS satellite imagery (250 m resolution) and I have noticed that I get the same bad result if I use -r near or -r bilinear (or lanczos for that matter). See ...
oskarlin's user avatar
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Any experience with OSX and Mac OSX Maverics using OSGeo? [closed]

There is a new Apple Release of OSX called Mavericks and my questions are: Will GDAL run? Will QGIS run? Will Tilemill run? Will Mapnik run? Also are there any known issues? A similar question about ...
oskarlin's user avatar
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The fastest way of generating tiles from raster?

I have some MODIS imagery 250m resolution covering a large area which I generate tiles from using Mapnik and script. I need to run this script every day with new satellite images, ...
oskarlin's user avatar
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basic question about mapnik

I am new in mapnik, and I found mapnik at OSM wiki page. And I am interested in it, but I have some question. 1 the mapnik work scope It seems that it is a library for map rendering(creation), ...
giser's user avatar
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Recommended specs for a single-country OSM tile server

What specs would you recommend for an OSM tile server dedicated to serving tiles for a single, small country (e.g., Portugal only)? Total server load is estimated to be no more than two/three users ...
John Darret Steward's user avatar
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Generating MapQuest Style tiles for offline use

I need to create about a 9-level deep SLIPPY map of the world from OSM data (for offline use). So I cannot use the MapQuest, CloudMade, etc. servers). The projection must be EPSG4326 (LL84) which is ...
Dr.YSG's user avatar
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Difficult style for the map

There is a task before me of generating images as shown below. The main problem is the signs which must be placed outside the polygon (if they do not fit in it), and the lines should connect the sign ...
winsent's user avatar
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How to render area that crosses 180°?

The problem is that the Chukotka Peninsula is located in the Western Hemisphere. So it is on the left side of Natural Earth Datasets. It needs to be moved to the right. I tried to use following srs(...
Andrey Yankin's user avatar
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Manually building a tile server

I use this instruction I have the problem on the step "Starting your tileserver" sudo mkdir /var/run/renderd sudo chown ...
novicegis's user avatar
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Mapnik Initialization does not work

I create geodatabase "training" sudo su su postgres createdb -E UTF8 template_postgis2 createlang -d template_postgis2 plpgsql psql -d postgres -c "UPDATE pg_database SET datistemplate='true' WHERE ...
novicegis's user avatar
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