Questions tagged [openstreetmap]

OpenStreetMap is a collaborative project to create a free editable map of the world. The data is free, and free of legal and technical restrictions. OpenStreetMap is often shortened to OSM.

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1 vote
1 answer

osmconvert border problem

I tried to add a border to my osm file to make is smaller. The command line is as follows: osmconvert china.osm -b=22.30,114.11,22.38,114.22 --out-osm -o=hk.osm an error occurred like this: ...
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1 answer

Using the OpenStreetMap Service in PyQGIS

i am trying to learn how to use OSM Service in QGIS using Python. I wrote this script: import os from osgeo import gdal from qgis.core import QgsRasterLayer, QgsDataSourceUri project = QgsProject....
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0 answers

How to export GeoJSON from PostGIS with "id" property?

Let's say I'm exporting features from my PostGIS DB like so: SELECT ST_AsGeoJSON(*)::jsonb FROM planet_osm_line WHERE [conditions] What I'm trying to achieve here is to include the "id" property ...
4 votes
1 answer

Control level of detail of OpenStreetMap/ESRI map using QGIS print composer

I am using QGIS 3.4 and tried to print a map covering a fixed region which has a fixed lat lon boundary. The print composer gives me too many details whereas I just want the main highways. I am ...
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0 answers

Connect postcode to administrative boundry level

In OSM I would like depict a certain area ("working area"). Using the following I can specify a certain area around a certain city: [out:json][timeout:800]; {{geocodeArea:Netherlands}}->....
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1 answer

Does GeoServer support OpenStreetMap OSM format?

Apologies if the question has been asked but I am kind of lost between al the resources and tools available. I set up a GeoServer and have been reading the documentation but I still don't understand ...
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1 answer

Query Overpass API with geocodeArea returns error

I am trying to send a simple request to but I am getting a parser error. {{geocodeArea:Oregon}}->.searchArea; ( nwr["waterway"="waterfall"](area....
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1 answer

Using .osm.pbf file as an offline map resource for QT OpenStreetMap plugin

I implemented the example in the link below, Works well, however I need much more map data then the provided ...
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OpenStreetMap editing problem

I am trying to add a label (address) for building in OpenStreetMap. I am editing the map by "Edit By ID" in OpenStreetMap Browser and saving it, but nothing is happening. It only appear just a ...
3 votes
0 answers

What is a good alternative to OpenMapTiles? [closed]

I want migrate image tiles (osm2pgsql, mapnik, etc.) to vector tiles. I tried OpenMapTiles. But the documentation is bad. To start a local test system is no problem, but create a own server and own ...
2 votes
1 answer

How to increase a PostGIS query efficiency when querying OSM information

I have this SQL query to get roads from my PostGIS server. WITH boxed_roads AS (SELECT * FROM "planet_osm_line" WHERE ST_Within(way, ST_MakeEnvelope(xmax ,xmin, ymax, ymin, 4326)) ) SELECT ...
2 votes
1 answer

The right way to convert GeoJSON to DXF using QGIS

I have a problem exporting GeoJSON to vector format. I downloaded GeoJSON of highway objects from OSM, opened it in QGIS, and then saved it as DXF. The problem is when I open it in CorelDraw, road ...
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1 answer

How to get user history from OS maps API?

Is there a way to get the history of a user as found on the OS maps by using the OS maps API?
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1 answer

Dog parks data/shapefile

Where can I get data about dog park areas in cities around the world? I wanted to use Overpass API but couldn't find the amenity key for it
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OSM in QuickMapServices not displaying baselayer image on QGIS

[I am attempting to load a QuickMapServices OSM baselayer image on QGIS 3.4 LTR and nothing is displayed, even though it says that the layer has been added. Nothing seems wrong with my plug-ins and I ...
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1 answer

Getting date of creation for feature using osm_id [closed]

I have download some OpenStreetMap data from Geofabrik GmbH. I need to extract when was the first time each feature was created. E.g., for OSM_ID = ...
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2 answers

Administrative boundaries missing in OSM and/or Maperitive?

I'm lost trying to render maps with administrative boundaries using OSM and Maperitive. For some cities, e.g. Mexico City, there are boundaries. But, e.g. for Belo Horizonte, there are none, at least ...
3 votes
1 answer

Mapnik + PostgreSQL + Python = Segmentation fault

I would like to render subset of OpenStreetMap features over big area into one image, no sub-tiles. System: Devuan ascii 64bit (alike Debian 9), 64GB RAM, headless (SSH only) There is what I already ...
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2 answers

Can OpenStreetMap display train stations?

I do not have a car and I move around on a bicycle. I thus often need to know what the closest train station is to a location I need to go to. I notice that OpenStreetMap (OSM) displays airports in ...
2 votes
1 answer

st_transform on planet_osm_line to get lat and lon coordinates - extra data returned

I'm using this query to get all the lat and lon coordinates on a way from planet_osm_line: select st_astext(st_transform(way, 4326)) from planet_osm_line where osm_id = 482283890; The result is: ...
5 votes
2 answers

Adjust leaflet routing machine draw (animate) route speed

I use leaflet routing machine and it's working fine with me. Here is my code: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width" /> <...
3 votes
1 answer

Retrieve geographic coordinates from OSM imported data

We have just finished importing OSM data into our PostGIS (Postgresql) database. And we are having difficulty understanding the geometry of various shapes imported. We run a query to retrieve the ...
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2 answers

How do I georeference a ski map?

I have a map of a mountainous landscape, It contains a number of known points, the lat-longs of which can be easily found out using google maps. I wish to ...
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1 answer

Extracting physical islands from a DEM

I am working on a project on islands in inland waters in Europe. In the first step I was sorting to large point layers which I got from a state office, trying to identify only points lying on such ...
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1 answer

Getting ERROR as elements in attribute table after doing query in QGIS

I was looking at an .osm file in QGIS using the OSM plugin; I was specifically looking at a country's lines layer. When I checked the attribute table just after opening the .osm, everything looked ...
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Detecting building footprints orthogonality using ArcMap

I have a number of buildings vector data from OSM and I am trying to automatically differentiate those buildings which aren't orthogonal in its edges from those that are and then calculate the error ...
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3 answers

Using OpenStreetMap tiles in ArcMap

I was hoping to use ESRI's ArcGIS Editor for OpenStreetMap to view OpenStreetMap data in ArcMap, but my organization hasn't upgraded to version 10 yet. I also know about ArcBruTile, but I prefer not ...
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0 answers

Alternative to bring OpenStreetMap Basemaps into ArcMap [duplicate]

The standard ArcGIS OpenStreetMap basemap tiles have been performing quite slow as of late. I was curious if there was a (preferably free) alternative service to bring OpenStreetMap basemap tiles into ...
3 votes
4 answers

Get road type by coordinates

I need to do the following task: to retrieve the road type (highway, bridge, track, pedestrian and others) by coordinates, query a remote service (via HTTP). I'm looking at the different major ...
10 votes
1 answer

Creating vector tiles from OpenStreetMap?

I need to understand the process of creating Mapbox Vector Tiles from OSM data in some detail -- in particular I need to fiddle with cutting out a lot of data (esp. buildings) to keep the final vector ...
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1 answer

Using OpenStreetMap data in QGIS [duplicate]

I have QGIS 3.4.14-Madeira installed. I'm trying to access OpenStreetMap using QGIS. The instructions at Using OSM Data in QGIS go to Vector → OpenStreetMap but this is not in the drop list that ...
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1 answer

Prevent OGR saving OSM points as features when exporting to GeoPackage

I'm attempting to export data from the points layer imported from an Open Street Maps pbf file to a GeoPackage file. In both the script I write to automate the export as well as when I export using ...
4 votes
1 answer

Limiting overpass turbo query by postal_code and country

I'd like to limit a query (for highways) by postal_code and country (since the postal_codes are only unique on a national level). Let's say that is my query: area[postal_code="19300"]->....
7 votes
0 answers

OSMDroid android app zoom in without changing tiles, is it possible?

I am developing an android mobile mapping app using OSMDroid 4.3. I have established a basemap using arcgisonline as my tile server. String[] urlArray = {"
1 vote
1 answer

Get objects (highways) without it's relations (bus_stops) using overpass turbo

I try to get a list of all streets/addresses for a single geocodeArea. E.g. {{geocodeArea:Heidelberg}}->.searchArea; ( nwr[highway=highway][name](area.searchArea); nwr[highway=living_street][name](...
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0 answers

Is there OpenLayers event when reaching bounds?

I have an app using OpenLayers and OpenStreetMap tiles. There are more zoom levels for the capital and less zoom levels for the entire country. Let's say the user is in the capital, in his car, in ...
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1 answer

Making lines from nodes using OpenStreetMap and PostGIS (+ TileMill)

using openstreetmap data (in a postgis database), I would like to highlight all roads with a certain surface tag in tilemill. I can query for the tag, doing SELECT * FROM planet_osm_ways WHERE '...
1 vote
0 answers

Is there any OSM based (or open source) online tool to draw circles on a map?

I'm looking for online tools to draw circles on a map (with accurate center and radius). By accurate edit, I mean: edit center GPS coordinates edit radius (in meters) I tested https://www....
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0 answers

Limit API request to zoomed bbox

I am working on a forked OSM/leaflet/overpass API application which has its own max bounds declared var mapBounds = { south: 50.8025, west: 0.3724, north: 50.8785, east: 0.5290 }; var LBounds = L....
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1 answer

PostgreSQL hstore filter OSM data

From the file osm.pbf I created a shape that contains lines of a street network and attributes for 'lanes'. Problem: The attribute 'lanes' is combined with many others in a column "other_tags". ...
2 votes
2 answers

Constructing a graph from a city in Python using Overpass

I'm looking to construct something exactly like this person Building a graph from OSM? That is I need to construct a graph with intersections as nodes and roads as edges for a simulation. Unlike this ...
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Area size in OpenStreetMap

Given an area id, is there a way to get size of this area from Overpass API? For instance, I would like to know how many square kilometers New York has.
5 votes
2 answers

Transforming .osm file into a .svg file with an equivalent geometry, without applying styling

I have an existing .osm file (containing a small part of OpenStreetMap database). I am looking for way to convert it into .svg file. Note that I am not interested in applying any styling based on ...
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1 answer

Seeking collaborative map editor tool for non-technical users with OpenStreetMap basemap [closed]

I'm looking for a tool to allow non-technical users to create map polygons based off printed maps, and export them into a geographiclal format. It should be based on OSM base tiles (to avoid ...
1 vote
2 answers

Importing road graph from OSM file

What I want to do: I want to get road graph (ways and their relations) from OSM file to write my own routing program. What I tried to do: I tried to use OSMtoRoadGraph, but it returns me a ...
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1 answer

Integrate Leaflet / OpenStreetMap autocomplete functionality to an existing search form on a WordPress template

I am trying to add the autocomplete functionality similar to what you have here to the search form in my website. Unfortunately there are no ...
3 votes
1 answer

Symbology for Open Street Map [OSM] Data in MapInfo [tab] format

I have shapefiles for the different OSM layers which I have translated into TABs but I am now trying to symbolise them in a similar style to OSM online. Is there a way to easily apply the OSM ...
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0 answers

Overpass Python module query for a way, returns valid response but empty LineString coordinates field

I use the following query with Overpass Python module, for getting the features of a road in overpass turbo: [out:json] [timeout:25] ; ( node["name"="John F Foran Freeway"]; way["name"="John F ...
1 vote
0 answers

How to "compile" ways and relations from OSM Planet

I need to get political boundaries, house polygons and some other data from OSM. To do that I downloaded OSM Planet dump, converted it into .pbf format (cause its fast and doesn't take a lot of space)....
3 votes
3 answers

Intersecting Polygons to Build Boundary Hierearchy using PostGIS

I have a set of polygons that are stored flat in a table (these are OSM admin boundaries extracted through Osmium and osm2pgsql). Each polygon has one record for it. However, these polygons form ...

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