Questions tagged [raster-conversion]

Raster conversion between raster formats. Do NOT use for raster to vector conversion (and vice versa) - for that use vectorizing (and rasterizing)

89 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Error running r.thin in QGIS

I get the following error when running r.thin: Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:/PROGRA~4/QGIS3/apps/qgis/./python/plugins\processing\algs\grass7\", line 395, in ...
Joseph Martinetti's user avatar
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MODIS MCD18A2 (PAR) reproject via rasterio vs. via HDF-EOS

I downloaded MODIS L3 PAR data (,
Timespirelegend's user avatar
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Converting Surface Model to Elevation Model?

Is there a way to convert a digital surface model (DSM) to a digital elevation model (DEM) in QGIS? Surface models contain lots of noise (e.g. trees, buildings) when I only want to show the ground. ...
James's user avatar
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QGIS RGB image to HSL (Hue Saturation Luminance)

is it possible using QGIS (2.10) on windows to convert an RGB image file to HSL (Hue Saturation Luminance) format. I've seen various formulas for this written in Java however they only seem to be for ...
jamie finney's user avatar
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Error in RGB to HSV conversion in R: "cannot use this formula, probably because it is not vectorized"

I'm trying to convert a bunch of small rgb rasters (3 channels) into hsv rasters using the raster package in R, similar to the suggestion here: QGIS - RGB multiband to HSB(HSV?) multiband It has ...
Geos's user avatar
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How to get equal size cells when using rasterize in QGIS on slanted points

I'm trying to get nice, centered cells on every point. I'm using the tool rasterize in QGIS. I have gotten the method to work with uniform point data, however, I am having more trouble with slanted ...
user193672's user avatar
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Create cloud optimized GeoTIFF without re-encoding?

I have a lot of jpeg-in-geotiff imagery that I would like to convert to Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF. Is there any way to do that without re-encoding the pixel values? I'm trying to avoid paying the price ...
matt wilkie's user avatar
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Converting 3-band raster of a topo map into Unique Values with Colormap or by Reclassifying using ArcMap

I'm using a 1998 USGS topo map for a geologic map base in ArcMap 10.5.1. Right now, the topo raster is in 3-bands with an unsigned 8-bit pixel type. Strictly for cartographic reasons, I need to strip ...
JAKeeley's user avatar
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Creating polygons from binary image using QGIS

Here I got a binary image of buildings (black and white image) and I need to convert them to building polygons: The expected outcome will be a vector file with building polygons based on the image ...
Pete's user avatar
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Converting raster to polygon: vertical lines

I'm converting a reclassified raster (with a resolution of 25.18m) into a polygon. The reclassified raster has values of only 0s and 1s. However, the conversion results in a polygon with vertical ...
PKP's user avatar
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Reducing filesize for TIFF rasters

I'm using TINinterpolation in QGIS/pyQGIS to interpolate rasters from point-based model results. Subsequent post-processing to produce a series of rasters containing index values at the same ...
Brian Fisher's user avatar
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Extracting Sub-National admin boundaries or regions from GRUMPv1 or GPW v4

GRUMP and Gridded Population of the World (GPW), v4 provides population and demographic values for sub-national levels. However, I am unable to extract the polygons or boundaries from their datasets. ...
ali sh's user avatar
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QGIS 3.44 heatmap to contour file

I am trying to convert a point file, currently displayed into a contour file. The methods that I have tried, all expect a raster file as an input, but my source file is a vector file points, i.e. I ...
Dave's user avatar
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Multi/hyper-spectral file format that stores band information and meta-data

I usually use ERDAS LAN file format drivers to create a multispectral file that contains multiple rasters of different spectral bands. However, I can't find a way to store the information regarding ...
G M's user avatar
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Using Copy Raster in ArcPy gives different result to tool dialog?

I am trying to convert 16 unsigned bit tifs to 8 unsigned bit BMPs. When I used the Export Raster in ArcGIS, it works well. But when I used arcpy arcpy.CopyRaster_management(each, ...
Richard's user avatar
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Does raster snapping involve a transformation?

Arc Desktop 10.5.1 Background I am converting an Arc Grid raster to a tif using the Raster To Other Format (multiple) tool. In the tool's Environments... settings, I am snapping the output tif to ...
Stu Smith's user avatar
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Speeding up Raster to Polygon Conversion in ArcMap/arcpy

I am trying to convert a series of big binary rasters describing data in grey (value 0) and nodata in green (value 1) into polygons in order to derive the extent the data pixels are covering (see also ...
redshoe's user avatar
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Converting from SAFE (Sentinel-1) to BEAM-DIMAP?

I need to convert Sentinel-1 data from the SAFE format (used by the ESA's Sentinel project) to the BEAM-DIMAP format. I know that GDAL can convert GeoTIFF files (which are used by Sentinel-1) into ...
mckbrd's user avatar
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Convert raster cells to vector (polygon) grid?

I would like to convert a raster (representing a study area) to a polygon layer with features representing individual raster cells. The raster layer contains roughly 30 million cells @150x150m. I ...
macdonaw's user avatar
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Choosing the map scale (1:nnn) for the given raster dimension

Starting points: let define the raster image size, say: 1800x900 pixels I want draw my own raster image map - by drawing polygons e.g. like "draw line from pixel with coordinates x100y100 to pixel ...
kobame's user avatar
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converting dt0 file to tiff in QGIS

I have too many dt0 files containing shear wave velocity at 30 (vs30). I have added the files as raster at QGIS. but I need to convert it to tiff in order to work easier. how can I do so?
parisa's user avatar
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Take colours from a raster image into shapefile

I have georeferenced an image in my project, it's a thematic map in PNG, then I have transformed it in shapefile (Poligonyze). I'm trying to take back the original thematism in the shp. Manually with ...
Bernardo Chiaravalli's user avatar
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Export different resolution of raster from QGIS

I'm currently sitting on a project where I have a DEM of an area that has been scanned. it currently has around 3-ish pixel per meter on export but I need to export it as 1 pixel per meter and also ...
TECHGUNK's user avatar
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Raster Conversion Translate to 16 bit Tiff with custom min/max values

I'm new to QGIS. I have some bathymetric data of Australia I'm trying to output as a high bit depth Tiff, however it's not coming out the way I want. In QGIS I have set the singleband grey to a custom ...
Tom V's user avatar
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Losing data when converting from vector to raster of 1 sqkm resolution?

I am dealing with 1000 species data over the region of my interest. when I convert my this 1000 species polygon into raster by 1km by 1km resolution in QGIS. All data is in one polygon. The resultant ...
user_3264's user avatar
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TypeError: cannot unpack non-iterable NoneType object when converting raster file to csv file

I want to convert a raster file to csv file. When I use raster2xyz, my code raises TypeError: cannot unpack non-iterable NoneType object error. from raster2xyz.raster2xyz import Raster2xyz from ...
user195057's user avatar
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In ArcGIS, exporting a GRIB file to a different format changes the cell values of the original raster

I downloaded some climate variables from Copernicus as GRIB format. ArcGIS 10.7.1 allows me to directly add them to my table of contents and it shows me, as usual, some maximum and minimum values. The ...
Salvatore Valente's user avatar
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Convert full colour height map to greyscale

I try to convert full colour map with colour range like this: to greyscale. I use mostly Corel Photo-Paint (similiar functions to Adobe Photoshop), but maybe QGIS or ArcMap could help?
D.J. Mac.'s user avatar
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How to covert a GeoTIFF DEM to a standard raster format without losing quality or resolution

I'm working on a project, a spin-off of my graduate dissertation, to digitize LiDAR data of a portion of Tampa Bay (20x20 km^2 at 1:1 scale) into a Minecraft map. Ideally I want not just accurate ...
qu4ntumrush's user avatar
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Converting a Raster to Polygon and Dissolving Issues using ArcMap 10.5

I have a large forest habitat raster dataset (several watersheds in state of Oregon) that I need to convert into a shapefile. The raster has 70 different categories of habitat types. Steps: I've ...
doronwen's user avatar
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QGIS: Saving TIF as Geopackage raster loses NoData cells

Background: At 3.8.3, I right-click a TIF DEM (single-band, 32-bit floating point) and Export > Save As to a Geopackage raster. If I use all default settings in the Export > Save As window, the ...
Stu Smith's user avatar
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Creating local copy of an online Potential Flood Inundation Map

I am completely stuck, usually I can figure out how to create a local copy of hosted services, but this one I can't seem to get anything to work and any suggestions would be great. Currently I can ...
Matt Richardson's user avatar
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Converting Land Cover Vector to Raster?

I have a question regarding converting a vector forest cover layer to a raster layer. The basis of what I am trying to do is determine what percent of forest cover is within a set of 1x1 km grid ...
Jordan Rogan's user avatar
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Rasterize causes black background, need white to match BioClim data

I am using the rasterize tool to convert a polygon layer into a .asc or .bil raster layer. As it is a UK study, there is a lot of sea that when rasterized, turns black. I need it to be white to match ...
Ben's user avatar
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QGIS .adf file saved as GTiff changes elevations

I have got two .adf DEMs which I need in GTiff format so they can be merged. When I 'Save As' the layer as a GTiff, the resulting output has elevations which are inconsistent with the original .adf ...
Wilson's user avatar
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Setting cell size when converting from GeoTIFF to ASCII

I would like to convert a GeoTIFF file to a .asc file using the translate option. When I use the translate tool in QGIS it converts it, but my cell size is something like 0.0002 (the pixel size of the ...
Adam's user avatar
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Raster to Polygon tool results in reduced area

I have a large raster dataset within a file geodatabase (FGDBR format raster) which I have converted to polygon using the 'Raster to Polygon' tool. Cell size of original raster = 25m. Cell size of ...
ffinnm's user avatar
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Dividing the values of one rasters on a cell-by-cell basis

I have been trying to divide an ArcGIS (ver 10.5) generated raster layer by a constant and continue to receive errors (Error - 000539). My first attempt was to simply divide the raster by my ...
Jeff's user avatar
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Can't access extracted by mask raster from ArcMap 9.3 in ArcMap 10!

Previously using ArcMap 9.3 I have used the tool extract by mask for cropping some of my rasters and I created a mxd project adding all the rasters together. The output for every raster is in this way:...
Shefqet LULJA's user avatar
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GRASS-GIS i.pansharpen error code -11

I have been searching for similar problems however i did not find any that could fix my error. i have GRASSGIS 7.0 running on MACOSX El Capitan. No problems at all until i tried to run i.pansharpen ...
Fabio Favoretto's user avatar
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Sieve in QGIS returns unexpected results

I have a rasterimage with values between 1 and 5. I want to sieve it, using QGIS - Raster - Analysis - Sieve. But then I get this: The values changed. Even worse, when I color it, the whole raster ...
four-eyes's user avatar
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Converting raster to TIN in ArcMap 10.1 is causing crashes?

I have several tiles (~200) of Lidar 1m resolution data from Geomatics group and need to convert it to TIN format (currently in .asc) to develop a flood model. Is there a quicker way of doing this ...
Rhys J's user avatar
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Converting *.adf files to *.xyz for XPSWMM?

i am trying to convert adf files to xyz files in order to import them to XPSWMM. i also need the elevation values. however, when i use QGIS to translate the raster files (adf files) to xyz these ...
mark92's user avatar
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Batch Convert GRID to TIFF with colormap and RGB

There are lots of questions on here regarding raster conversion, but I can't find anything specific to my needs (involving output as RGB and using a Colormap). I have a folder full of ESRI GRID ...
jbchurchill's user avatar
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Can I create rasters from points with values based on a related table?

I have weed mapping (points) and weed monitoring (tabular related table) data in a file geodatabase. I would like to convert the points to raster based on the weed cover values in the weed monitoring ...
TNC Jeff's user avatar
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Making grayscale map from multiple band satellite image in ArcGIS for Desktop?

I have satellite multiple band map, I needs to make grayscale map,what should i do? what is the steps? which band and format of input are to be used in this? How to make attribute table of this? In ...
onkar's user avatar
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Big data rastering using ArcGIS Platform?

I have the daunting task doing raster analysis on a record set that runs into quite a few millions, and worse still is that the data is in Hive. So far I have managed to use record set of 2 million ...
Arijit Bose's user avatar
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Raster range shrinking when exporting to GPKG

I'm trying to make the switch to Geopackage, but every time I attempt to export my GeoTIFF DEM to GPKG it seems to cut off the extremities of my data, giving it a plateauing effect at high and low ...
user240982's user avatar
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Extract a vector from a raster with a single boundary in QGIS

I have a "problem", I need transform a raster in a vector and it works but some pixels like the one in the print it is separated from the boundary, and for my use (a specific use of ...
Mestrexama's user avatar
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QGIS Converting simple PNG raster file yields "warning 1: model file not specified"

I have GQIS 3.28.14 Firenze on a Mac (12.7.1.Monterey). I want to convert a simple PNG file (30 KB) with county boundaries into a vector file through the QGIS commands: Raster > Conversion > ...
Schorsch's user avatar