Questions tagged [request]

in this context refers to an HTTP(S) request between a client and a service providing geospatial data, or data processing

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WCS request to German statistics portal to retrieve GeoTIFF

I have a problem regarding a WCS (Web Coverage Service) from the German statistics portal (here). I want to retrieve the whole map for the topic "Produktionsrichtung". After clicking on &...
gitgucci's user avatar
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Error when downloading CMIP6 climate change data in NetCDF format with

I am trying to download NetCDF files, which contain daily maximum and minimum temperature precipitation data with a historical timeline from 1850 to 2014 and projected into the future for 2015 to 2100 ...
El Memo de Mileto's user avatar
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Geoserver WMS breakpoint

I just started developing geoserver extension and i need help about WMS requests. I want to print hello to the terminal when a WMS request comes. Context of my class: package org.geoserver.wms.cluster;...
Furkan's user avatar
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Why does Sentinel S2L2A API request comes back with single-colored ROI?

So here's the thing. I am trying to receive an image from S2L2A. When I use bbox as an input method, I get back normal picture in full colors. But when I switch to Polygon method, area comes back with ...
ventisk1ze's user avatar
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Querying CDSE stac via python

I'm trying to query Sentinel 2 data from the "new" CDSE stac (docs are here). The docs seems very low level and without any working example code. The problem I am facing is the only response ...
PyMapr's user avatar
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QGIS Server installation (Debian) : error message

I want to install QGIS Server on Debian. I added the official QGIS repository which allowed to install the version of QGIS Server 3.30. For information, the QGIS project that I am trying to serve is ...
user35117's user avatar
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Single quote in OGC API Features request

Using a value containing a single quote character results in an empty feature array even there are features containing that value. OCG WFS keyword-value pair encoding specification talks about URL ...
geraldo's user avatar
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OWSLib post request

I am trying to generate a post request with owslib python library. However, I am getting an error when trying to filter the result. from owslib.fes import * from owslib.wfs import WebFeatureService # ...
swisscheese_95's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to write to a text file the output of for loop, which collects data from multiple URL similar pages? [closed]

I collect data from multiple URL similar pages using a loop for every element. (it works) printing the results. (it works) Instead of printing, I want to write the results inside one text file. every ...
M. Zain Aldin's user avatar
3 votes
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GetFeature URL not UTF-8 which leads to an error

I'm cascading an external WFS to my own WMS and ran into this. The external WFS uses å in a property name. Which the GeoServer has no trouble reading into my layer and I can see the geometrics in a ...
Claus Brogaard's user avatar
4 votes
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Reading zipped shapefile from URL directly into QGIS

I need to request a shapefile from an OpenTripPlanner Server and read the file directly into QGIS without saving the file to a disk. Background and requirements: Users system wont be able to write ...
MrXsquared's user avatar
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Load a shapefile into geopandas from a request.files

I'm trying to receive a simple .shp file, without been zipped, via web request and convert it to a geopandas dataframe. I tried to use io.BytesIO to wrap the file but also didn't worked.. I tried to ...
bmalbusca's user avatar
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Geoprocessing using large image service in ArcMap

I am using ArcMap 10.4. I'm trying to use the Extract Multi-Values to Points tool on an image service raster layer. It runs, but just produces a column of <Null> in the attributes. I've done a ...
camarones95's user avatar
14 votes
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Sending requests including headers via PyQGIS by using QGIS Proxysettings

I am working on a plugin, where sending requests to an external server is part of the process. When using no proxy (like from my personal computer), this works just fine: import urllib # example url ...
MrXsquared's user avatar
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-1 votes
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HTTP GET request to ArcGIS Notebook Server

In an external system, I want to make an HTTP GET request —to— ArcGIS Notebooks for Server. In ArcGIS Notebooks for Server, I would have a Python function that would process the request and return a ...
User1974's user avatar
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Invoke an HTTP request when AGOL features are edited?

Is it possible to automatically invoke an HTTP request when features are created/updated/deleted in an AGOL feature layer? For example, when a feature is updated, generate an HTTP request with these ...
User1974's user avatar
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Query a JOINED ArcGIS Online resultset (via an HTTP request)

In a related question, we determined that it's possible to query an ArcGIS Online FC via an HTTP request. (I'll refer to the feature class as FC1.) In addition to the above, I want to dynamically join ...
User1974's user avatar
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2 answers

Query an ArcGIS Online FC via an HTTP request

I have data that is hosted by ArcGIS Online. I want to query ArcGIS Online via an HTTP request. The response would be a JSON object (similar to this). What would it take to query a hosted ArcGIS ...
User1974's user avatar
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Number of read requests in GEE API

I got credential by using this command. earthengine authenticate I have linked with my account and saved authentication token successfully. I can get data from GEE and it's working well. Where I ...
Henry Hein's user avatar
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No response from addPart operation when trying to upload parts of .tpk to AGOL (Python, requests, ArcGIS REST API)

Trying to automate the updating of a large .tpk on AGOL. When the .tpk is updated on my servers I do the following: Break into parts Call updateItem operation with multipart = true Make a request to ...
Karl Johnson's user avatar
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WFS request using layer extent or spatial query QGIS3

I'm trying to request features from wfs-service by using a virtual layer. Is it possible to load features by using a layer extent from a virtual layer? I know how to add dimension for a request with ...
Henri's user avatar
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Difficulty getting usable response from secured ArcGIS REST API 10.2

I am trying to script the export of subsets of data from an ArcGIS Server to clients based on shapefiles they provide me. Our data are on a somewhat old rest endpoint (10.2). I have tried a variety of ...
gmcgowan's user avatar
2 votes
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GeoServer WPS request "Failed to retrieve value for input geom"

I am trying to do a buffer with WPS request builder of GeoServer. I copied the URL of the gml3 output in GeoServer: and I pasted it as the input URL I ran the process and I received the following ...
milad's user avatar
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Getting polyline midpoint coordinates using ArcGIS REST API

I have an ArcGIS 10.7.1 feature service that integrates polyline GIS assets to a work order management system. In the work order management system, I want to retrieve the midpoint coordinates of the ...
User1974's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Performing (sync or async) network request in PyQGIS

Following a question on the mailing list about what is the best way to perform network requests in PyQGIS both blocking and non-blocking and with or without support for authentication (QGIS' authcfg)? ...
Denis Rouzaud's user avatar
3 votes
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Creating a Layer Group in GeoServer with Python

I am trying to create a Layer Group in Python using the Request module, but I am getting an HTTP 406 (Not Acceptable) error. Can someone tell me what's wrong with my code? import requests ...
Bradley_Burrell's user avatar
1 vote
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Adding Addtional Styles to GeoServer via Python

I am having difficulties in adding additional styles to GeoServer Layers using pythons Requests module. The below code works perfectly up to the try block. It will successfully publish layer from an ...
Bradley_Burrell's user avatar
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Spatial server metadata acquisition

I am trying to make a webpage which can post the possible requests and services from a spatial server, like geoserver can. However I can only find owslib that can provide me the details. An example ...
MichaelR's user avatar
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Downloading Met Office Datapoint tiles for specific region [duplicate]

Does anyone know how to use the Met Office Datapoint API to download tiled imagery? There are some "detailed instructions" here, but it is not clear how to relate tile coordinates to real world ...
jon_two's user avatar
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Error on making a get request to a feature layer?

I am trying to query a feature layer from a script using the arcgis api for python: from arcgis.features import FeatureLayer lomr = FeatureLayer("
jesnes's user avatar
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ArcGIS REST API query failing with large geometry as input

I am querying different ArcGIS Services passing a polygon as the input geometry to get the features from the service that intersect with it. However, depending on the polygon's geometry I get ...
Marcelo Villa's user avatar
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How to use a key in an esriRequest call

I have been making calls to a previously free API using esriRequest var layersRequest = esriRequest({ url: base_url, content: { "latitude": lat, "longitude": long, ...
gwydion93's user avatar
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Why does Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'trim' of undefined occur in esriRequest

I am trying to use esri/request to pull in some data from an API. I am have two weird problems. First, when I try to run this, it doesn't complete and throws the following error in the browser console:...
gwydion93's user avatar
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Remove tolerance in PostGIS requests

I just read the problems similar to mine on this forum, but no solution helped me. To put it simply, I use ST_Touches in an algo in PHP that allows me to test if two points touch. Here is the query: ...
AllMight's user avatar
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Get proj4 parameters from EPSG in C++

I have the EPSG number of the projection and I want to use proj4 to get the projection descriptive string (like +proj=lcc +lat_1=49 +lat_2=44 +lat_0=46.5 +lon_0=3 +x_0=700000 +y_0=6600000 +ellps=GRS80 ...
dmjf08's user avatar
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Using output statistics in ArcGIS REST API query?

I am using an API to pull in some Web Mapping Service Layer data to my script. The API query has a max count limit of 1000 on returned features per request. There are 2 attributes I am trying to use ...
gwydion93's user avatar
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Request a WFS layer using OpenLayers

I am new to OpenLayers and GeoServer... can someone please help me to show a WFS layer... here is my code: const vectorSource = new ol.source.Vector({ format: new ol.format.GeoJSON(), url: ...
Ed Delapaz's user avatar
2 votes
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SSL handshake error when downloading images

I'm learning the Planet API and going through the tutorials posted online. When I attempt to perform an image search, download, etc. I get an SSL handshake error. Some example commands I am calling ...
hobbit_feet's user avatar
2 votes
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405 Method not Allowed on uploading a shapefile via REST API on GeoServer

I'm using PHP cURL to upload a Shapefile to GeoServer. It works fine in a development server. But when I deploy to Stage server and I try the same I get: 405 Method Not Allowed The requested method ...
Jordi Nebot's user avatar
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''More than one row returned by a subquery used as an expression'' postgres error

I am trying to realize a postgres request : select distinct nom_reg_12 from region_15,repartition where st_intersects(region_15.geom, (select geom from ...
Mohamed Reda Aguezzoul's user avatar
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add a shapefile layer to a specific postgis table

I have a question about Postgis: There is a way(extension) to import a shapefile and add it directly to a specific table (not database), if not there is a request to joint vertically two tables like :...
Mohamed Reda Aguezzoul's user avatar
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Very slow response when requesting shapefile from GeoServer

I face a speed issue related to GeoServer. More specifically in my web application when I click the following URL, it takes several seconds in order for the browser to receive the file. This happen ...
user1919's user avatar
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Interpolate line and locate point on line with Leaflet

I want to make a location tool in a leaflet web map. In fact, I create a wep map application with Leaflet in which we can find those layers: Bing aerial layer POI = Points layer which contains ...
bp03's user avatar
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How to specify content in a WCS GetCapabilities request

I have the following GetCapabilities request to a GeoServer WCS service:
J.A.Cado's user avatar
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Geoserver WFS request resultType=hits

I try get number of features through WFS request: $.ajax('http://x.x.x.x/geoserver/wfs',{ type: 'GET', data: { service: 'WFS', version: '1....
pirr's user avatar
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No module named requests

I'm developing a QGIS Plugin with python. I need to do a request to a REST server. But when I try to use request module "No module named requests" error displayed. requests module is installed in my ...
Sergio's user avatar
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Updating Secure service on Portal for ArcGIS with PortalPy and requests?

I'm using the below Portalpy code to update my secure Feature Services on ESRI Portal which have a stored password. The return on print post_url in the script is:
risail's user avatar
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Leaflet: Map tile request, hidden key/secret via proxy

I would like to request a Leaflet tilelayer without exposing my API key and secret. For example, using the UrtheCast API (but would apply to other similar APIs that embed api_key and api_secret in the ...
phloem's user avatar
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Enabling or disabling WMS capabilities with python

I am trying to enable Feature Access for all of my services on an ArcGISServer with python. Below is my code. The variablejson is the Feature Access dictionary. How do I make the post targeting ...
risail's user avatar
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Specify default width and height used by Geoserver's layer preview page

Currently whenever I try to preview any WMS layer under Geoserver's layer preview page &width=768&height=339 automatically gets set in the request. I'd like to change these values. Is there ...
apricity's user avatar
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