When I load a csv file to join with ArcPy, it converts all string fields that are numeric to integers. Therefore, I have to add another field within the feature class that I'm using for joining that is an integer version of the one I originally intended to use.
There are two approaches I've tried to convert the contents of the original field to an int:
Approach 1:
arcpy.AddField_management(layerName, "BG10_INT", "LONG", 12, "", "", "", "NULLABLE", "")
expression = "toInt(!BG10!)"
codeblock = """def toInt(value):
if value.isdigit():
return int(value)
return 0"""
arcpy.CalculateField_management (layerName, "BG10_INT", expression, "PYTHON", codeblock)
Approach 2:
for row in rows:
if row.BG10.isdigit():
row.BG10_INT = int(row.BG10)
row.BG10_INT = 0
With either approach, I get The value type is incompatible with the field type. [BG10_INT]
. How could something so simple as converting string to int be such a challenge?
After several comments and an answer suggesting I define the schema.ini
file for the csv file instead of the above conversions, I tried the following approach:
Approach 3
env.workspace = "C:/data/PCA"
f = open("C:/data/PCA/schema.ini", "wb")
text = ["[bg_to_tr.csv]", "ColNameHeader=True", "Format=CSVDelimited", "Col1=BG10 Text Width 12", "Col2=PrefBUC1 Text Width 10"]
for row in text:
env.qualifiedFieldNames = False
inFeatures = "C:/geodatabases/Intermediate.gdb/BG_sample"
layerName = "BG_sample_lyr"
joinTable = "bg_to_tr.csv"
joinField = "BG10"
arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management (inFeatures, layerName)
outFeature = "C:/geodatabases/Intermediate.gdb/BG_sample_w_tr"
arcpy.AddJoin_management(layerName, joinField, joinTable, joinField)
arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(layerName, outFeature)
This approach only works when I join manually (sans ArcPy) within ArcMap. However, for my purpose, this needs to be done with ArcPy. Is there an explanation why this only seems to work with ArcMap? The csv file was joined without adding it directly into the ArcMap TOC.
Here is a sample of the contents of the csv file:
If I open the csv file in ArcMap, it recognizes schema.ini
and indicates the BG10 column as a String of length 12. When I look at the join output in BG_sample_w_tr
, however, it indicates that it read it as data type Double.
If it matters, neither table contains null values for the joined fields.