I read a post about interactive maps with R using the leaflet package.

In this article, the author created a heat map like this:

X <- cbind(lng, lat)
kde2d <- bkde2D(X, bandwidth = c(bw.ucv(X[,1]), bw.ucv(X[,2])))

x <- kde2d$x1
y <- kde2d$x2
z <- kde2d$fhat
CL <- contourLines(x , y , z)

m <- leaflet() %>%
m %>% 
  addPolygons(CL[[5]]$x, CL[[5]]$y, fillColor = "red", stroke = FALSE)

I am not familiar with the bkde2d function, so I'm wondering if this code could be generalized to any shapefiles?

What if each node has a specific weight, that we would like to represent on the heat map?

Are there other ways to create a heat map with leaflet map in R ?

  • bke2d lets you do 2d binning (kernel density estimation) for a set of points (so lng/lat pairs work well). the ks package supports kernel smoothing for data from 1- to 6-dimensions. the akima package can do interpolation (useful when you need a regular grid). it might be worth reading up on the spatial task view for this before attempting to produce something that may not represent the data properly.
    – hrbrmstr
    Nov 3, 2015 at 18:05
  • ok, thanks for the link, I will definitely look this. Actually the bke2d function is not working that well with my data as it works in the example, and I can t figure why.
    – Felipe
    Nov 4, 2015 at 17:02

3 Answers 3


Here's my approach for making a more generalized heat map in Leaflet using R. This approach uses contourLines, like the previously mentioned blog post, but I use lapply to iterate over all the results and convert them to general polygons. In the previous example it's up to the user to individually plot each polygon, so I would call this "more generalized" (at least this is the generalization I wanted when I read the blog post!).

# library("maptools")

## Also, clean up variable names, and convert dates
inurl <- "https://data.cityofchicago.org/api/views/22s8-eq8h/rows.csv?accessType=DOWNLOAD"
dat <- data.table::fread(inurl) %>% 
    setnames(., tolower(colnames(.))) %>% 
    setnames(., gsub(" ", "_", colnames(.))) %>% 
    .[!is.na(longitude)] %>% 
    .[ , date := as.IDate(date, "%m/%d/%Y")] %>% 
## Note, bandwidth choice is based on MASS::bandwidth.nrd()
kde <- bkde2D(dat[ , list(longitude, latitude)],
              bandwidth=c(.0045, .0068), gridsize = c(100,100))
CL <- contourLines(kde$x1 , kde$x2 , kde$fhat)

LEVS <- as.factor(sapply(CL, `[[`, "level"))
NLEV <- length(levels(LEVS))

pgons <- lapply(1:length(CL), function(i)
    Polygons(list(Polygon(cbind(CL[[i]]$x, CL[[i]]$y))), ID=i))
spgons = SpatialPolygons(pgons)

## Leaflet map with polygons
leaflet(spgons) %>% addTiles() %>% 
    addPolygons(color = heat.colors(NLEV, NULL)[LEVS])

Here's what you'll have at this point: enter image description here

## Leaflet map with points and polygons
## Note, this shows some problems with the KDE, in my opinion...
## For example there seems to be a hot spot at the intersection of Mayfield and
## Fillmore, but it's not getting picked up.  Maybe a smaller bw is a good idea?

leaflet(spgons) %>% addTiles() %>%
    addPolygons(color = heat.colors(NLEV, NULL)[LEVS]) %>%
    addCircles(lng = dat$longitude, lat = dat$latitude,
               radius = .5, opacity = .2, col = "blue")

And this is what the heat map with points would look like:

enter image description here

Here's an area that suggests to me that I need to tune some parameters or perhaps use a different kernel:

enter image description here

## Leaflet map with polygons, using Spatial Data Frame
## Initially I thought that the data frame structure was necessary
## This seems to give the same results, but maybe there are some 
## advantages to using the data.frame, e.g. for adding more columns
spgonsdf = SpatialPolygonsDataFrame(Sr = spgons,
                                    data = data.frame(level = LEVS),
                                    match.ID = TRUE)
leaflet() %>% addTiles() %>%
    addPolygons(data = spgonsdf,
                color = heat.colors(NLEV, NULL)[spgonsdf@data$level])
  • Scoured the interwebs trying to figure this out and this was by far the best example I found. Plugged it in to my code and it "just worked." Awesome. Thank you!
    – Jeff Allen
    Jan 31, 2018 at 21:46
  • Thanks! I've actually created a repo with several other map examples that might be useful for others github.com/geneorama/wnv_map_demo
    – geneorama
    Feb 9, 2018 at 17:54
  • Thanks for this mini-tutorial. How did you select the bandwidth in bkde2d() ? Feb 21, 2018 at 0:14
  • 2
    @the_darkside great question. In reality I fiddle with it until I get something I like, I originally developed this map specifically to examine the bandwidth assumptions. In this case I actually used MASS::bandwidth.nrd(dat$latitude) and MASS::bandwidth.nrd(dat$longitude) as the starting points. See ?MASS::kde2d documentation which links to bandwith.nrd. Also see ?KernSmooth::dpik if you're interested for another approach.
    – geneorama
    Feb 21, 2018 at 16:02
  • if gridsize = c(100,100) does that mean there are a total of 10,000 cells? Feb 21, 2018 at 17:25

Building off of genorama's answer above, you can also convert the output of bkde2D into a raster rather than contour lines, using the fhat values as the raster cell values

# library("maptools")

inurl <- "https://data.cityofchicago.org/api/views/22s8-eq8h/rows.csv?accessType=DOWNLOAD"
infile <- "mvthefts.csv"

## Also, clean up variable names, and convert dates
  download.file(url = inurl, destfile = infile)
dat <- data.table::fread(infile)
setnames(dat, tolower(colnames(dat)))
setnames(dat, gsub(" ", "_", colnames(dat)))
dat <- dat[!is.na(longitude)]
dat[ , date := as.IDate(date, "%m/%d/%Y")]

## Create kernel density output
kde <- bkde2D(dat[ , list(longitude, latitude)],
              bandwidth=c(.0045, .0068), gridsize = c(100,100))
# Create Raster from Kernel Density output
KernelDensityRaster <- raster(list(x=kde$x1 ,y=kde$x2 ,z = kde$fhat))

#create pal function for coloring the raster
palRaster <- colorNumeric("Spectral", domain = KernelDensityRaster@data@values)

## Leaflet map with raster
leaflet() %>% addTiles() %>% 
                 colors = palRaster, 
                 opacity = .8) %>%
  addLegend(pal = palRaster, 
            values = KernelDensityRaster@data@values, 
            title = "Kernel Density of Points")

This is your output. Note that the low density values still show up as colored in the raster.

Raster Output

We can remove these low density cells with the following :

#set low density cells as NA so we can make them transparent with the colorNumeric function
 KernelDensityRaster@data@values[which(KernelDensityRaster@data@values < 1)] <- NA

#create pal function for coloring the raster
palRaster <- colorNumeric("Spectral", domain = KernelDensityRaster@data@values, na.color = "transparent")

## Redraw the map
leaflet() %>% addTiles() %>% 
                 colors = palRaster, 
                 opacity = .8) %>%
  addLegend(pal = palRaster, 
            values = KernelDensityRaster@data@values, 
            title = "Kernel Density of Points")

Now any raster cell with a value of less than 1 is transparent.

Final Map

If you want a binned raster, use the colorBin function rather than the colorNumeric function:

palRaster <- colorBin("Spectral", bins = 7, domain = KernelDensityRaster@data@values, na.color = "transparent")

## Leaflet map with raster
leaflet() %>% addTiles() %>% 
                 colors = palRaster, 
                 opacity = .8) %>%
  addLegend(pal = palRaster, 
            values = KernelDensityRaster@data@values, 
            title = "Kernel Density of Points")

Binned Raster Kernel Density

To make it smoother, simply increase the gridsize in the bkde2D function. This increases the resolution of the generated raster. (I changed it to

gridsize = c(1000,1000)


Smoothed Raster

  • How can you convert the legend description “Kernel Density of Points” to something more intuitive, like “Thefts per square km”? I guess there is an equation linking the bandwidth, gridsize and projection, or perhaps even kdf$fhat that describes the units.
    – fifthace
    Feb 14, 2020 at 14:31
  • Thanks! I really like this answer
    – geneorama
    Dec 14, 2020 at 19:56
  • Thank you very much for your answer. I got an error when running the code. The message is: "Error in get: object '.xts_chob' not found". Do you know why ?
    – John Smith
    Jun 16, 2021 at 12:46
  • See link for solution Jun 17, 2021 at 19:11

An easy way of creating Leaflet heat maps in R is using the Leaflet.heat plugin. An excellent guide on how to use it can be found here. Hope you find it useful.

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