Prior to 10.1, I could locate the server.dat file, and programmatically find out the arcgisoutput folder URL location (virtual directory when using IIS)



At 10.1, the arcgisserver folder default location is now: C:\arcgisserver\directories\arcgisoutput

This is fine, but how do I find out what URL was set to in the post install?

I understand that there is now an embedded Tomcat within 10.1 (similar to Java edition of AGS), but I am unsure on which file contains the URL info (including the port number).

Have reopened this Q, as have agreed with FredP that there should be a better approach to get the arcgisserver physical AND virtual paths from ArcObjects.

7 Answers 7


Prior 10.1, I alsways used the getVirtualOutputDirectory() of the MapServer object: http://resources.esri.com/help/9.3/arcgisengine/java/api/arcobjects/com/esri/arcgis/carto/MapServer.html#getVirtualOutputDirectory()

This methods returned for me (under AGS-Java) the complete output path, like: http://myServer/arcgisoutput

Now in 10.1, I just get "/rest/directories/....". It's a relative path ! :-(

I suppose it's a BUG in the 10.1 version, it should return the full virtual outputpath as under AGS-Java-10.



I write a file called "help.html" here :

C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Server\framework\runtime\tomcat\webapps\ROOT

I get it here :


Now here is how I would proceed:

  1. identify the install directory, hint : it's in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ESRI\Server10.1 under a string called "InstallDir"

  2. append "framework\runtime\tomcat\webapps\ROOT" to C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Server\ and you have your PHYSICAL DIRECTORY

  3. Now get the local ip or hostname and make sure the port is correct. HINT : parse through C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Server\framework\runtime\tomcat\conf\server.xml and you will find the PORT. Be careful, there are a few PORT's mentioned in there, find the one with it MUST be the line with protocol=http/1.1

IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT FOLDER ACCESS : The folder framework\runtime\tomcat\webapps\ROOT will not be writable by your application. I suggest you add a sub-folder \temp and change the sharing securities to allow all users to write/read.


You can issue a HTTP request through the ArcGIS Server REST Administration API. See Scripting with the ArcGIS Server Administrator API, which is Python-oriented, but covers the ground quite well).

For example, when I issue a request to ; http://arcgisserverhostname/arcgis/admin/system/directories/arcgisoutput?f=pjson, I get

  "name": "arcgisoutput",
  "physicalPath": "C:\\arcgisserver\\directories\\arcgisoutput",
  "directoryType": "OUTPUT",
  "maxFileAge": 10,
  "description": "Stores various information generated by services, such as map images.",
  "virtualPath": "/rest/directories/arcgisoutput"

Actually, we should be able to use IServerDirectory2 .. but when I call this, all the returned values are empty.

IServerDirectory2Ptr pServerDir(CLSID_ServerDirectory);
    if (pServerDir)
        BSTR bstrPath(L"");
        BSTR bstrUrl(L"");
        BSTR sDescr(L"");
        hr = pServerDir->get_Description(&sDescr);
        hr = pServerDir->get_Path(&bstrPath);
        hr = pServerDir->get_URL(&bstrUrl);

Link V9.3.1 | Link ArcGIS10.1

  • 1
    We tried IServerDirectoryPtr=returns empty strings; IServerMachine3Ptr=invalid pointer; IServerObjectAdmin=Unable to create (error=Class not registered)
    – jakc
    Jul 4, 2012 at 12:34

You also have the method getPhysicalOutputDirectory() of the MapServer object: http://resources.esri.com/help/9.3/arcgisengine/java/api/arcobjects/com/esri/arcgis/carto/MapServer.html#getPhysicalOutputDirectory()

This returns the physical directory of the mapservice.

  • do you know if this exists at 10.1?
    – jakc
    Jul 3, 2012 at 8:48
This only works for ArcGIS10.1

// 1. get HKLM\software\esri\server10.1\ "installDir"
// 2. you get something like C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Server\
// 3. add \framework\etc\machine-config.xml
// 4. you open that file and look for <HTTP>6080</HTTP>
// 5. you can also read the <MachineName> tag
// 6. open the file c:\arcgisserver\config-store\serverdirs\arcgisoutput.json
// 7. it's json code : get the physicalPath (ex: C:\\arcgisserver\\directories\\arcgisoutput)
// 7.1 : TEST write some "foo.html" in there
// 8.                : get the maxFileAge
// 9.                : get the cleanUpMode 
// 10.               : get the "virtualpath" (ex: /rest/directories/arcgisoutput)
// 11. use the machine name and port you got in (4) and (5) and add the virtualpath you got in (10)
// 12. You should have a URL like : http://servername:6080/rest/directories/arcgisoutput
// 12.1 : TEST with a browser http://servername:6080/rest/directories/arcgisoutput/foo.html and it should work. 

in my case : 

I write: C:\arcgisserver\directories\arcgisoutput\foo.html
and I get it also from: http://twirl:6080/arcgis/rest/directories/arcgisoutput/foo.html


I just stumbled upon this question, thus this answer late - but you should be using the REST Admin to get this sort of information. You build up URLs, and using a token obtained through the generateToken you supply credentials and then use them to query certain aspects of the server.

See this help link for information regarding the Server Admin API: http://resources.arcgis.com/en/help/server-admin-api/

The directory information (from the original question) is available at: http://:6080/arcgis/admin/system/directories

If you want Python code that demonstrates how to get a token and some queries (not this one specifically, but again, just build up the URL), check here: http://www.arcgis.com/home/item.html?id=12dde73e0e784e47818162b4d41ee340

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