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2014 Moderator Election

nomination began
Aug 11, 2014 at 20:00
election began
Aug 18, 2014 at 20:00
election ended
Aug 26, 2014 at 20:00

On Stack Exchange, we believe the core moderators should come from the community, and be elected by the community itself through popular vote. We hold regular elections to determine who these community moderators will be.

Community moderators are accorded the highest level of privilege on our community, and should themselves be exemplars of positive behavior and leaders within the community.

Our general criteria for moderators is as follows:

  • patient and fair
  • leads by example
  • shows respect for their fellow community members in their actions and words
  • open to some light but firm moderation to keep the community on track and resolve (hopefully) uncommon disputes and exceptions

Every election has three phases:

  1. Nomination
  2. Primary
  3. Election

Please participate in the moderator elections by voting, and perhaps even by nominating yourself to be a community moderator!

Hello dear GIS community,

My name is Alex and I'm a software engineer and web developer, specialized in Environmental Information Systems (EIS) with focus on modelling/simulation and Geoinformation Sciences (GIS) with focus on visualization. Currently I am enrolled at the Potsdam University (Germany) in my master degree studies.

With this GIS-SE site I'm actively engaged for almost 2 years now and with my upcoming master thesis I'll be most likely squatting this site for 24 hours a day :)

Personally, I'm mainly interested in open source projects, environmental protection, human rights and progressive minds.

I'm very experienced with moderation of forums with a couple of 10k users already, but this is my first nomination for a Q&A-site moderation on the StackExchange network.

If you have any questions, please let me know. --- vertoe

I am Vinayan and stack exchange sites have helped me a long way in my job as a software engineer. I am willing to spend some of my time to give something back to the community by standing up here as a candidate.

In my job, I am involved with desktop GIS customization and I passionately follow open source GIS projects, particulary QGIS.

My editing history is not really a great one compared to many fellow contributers here. But I am sure I can find more time for this and improve myself.

I welcome your questions and would be glad to answer them.

I am motivated to serve as a GIS.SE moderator for two reasons:

  1. I believe it is important to give back to this community
  2. I would like to contribute to maintaining a positive and welcoming atmosphere

I have a strong background in utilizing GIS and remote sensing for ecological research. My current research includes habitat mapping for threatened species and utilizing multispectral and Lidar remote sensing for assessing vegetation structure and composition. I am a huge advocate for open source software and programming languages. My day-to-day tools to perform spatial analysis include ArcGIS, QGIS, Erdas Imagine, eCognition, Python, matlab, and R.

I don't know if it is a good idea, but there seems to be a need for moderators but no candidates, except PolyGeo who is already nearly acting like a moderator.

I think that I could help if it is a matter of taking quick decision when there is a problem, but I cannot engage for a constant investment (I don't always have time, it depends on the type of work). I would then stop answering questions (at least seriously reduce the number of question compared with the first quarter of this year).

I've not been here for a long time, but I think that I understand enough how GIS SE works to become a moderator.

In any case, I hope that my nomination will attract better candidates and I am ready to give it a try.

I’m Graeme Browning and I think the Stack Exchange network is by far the best place to find answers to questions in many fields.

My profession is GIS and the GIS Stack Exchange is the platform that I use to underpin my own developing, consulting, training and supporting activities because its philosophy based on providing clear answers to clear questions is one that achieves the cut-through I seek to quick and comprehensive solutions.

My main hobby is Genealogy and, as one of the Pro Tem Moderators for the Genealogy and Family History Stack Exchange, I have some familiarity with the role for which I am nominating here.

My detailed Stack Exchange stats can be viewed so I will not delve into them. I look forward to answering any posed questions through Q&A here or in the election chat room.

I encourage anyone similarly addicted to the GIS Stack Exchange to nominate for this election which I found to be a very positive experience to have participated in last time.

I have always had a keen interest in the GIS SE site. It provide me with lots of helpful information whether it is directly related to my work or not because of the narrow focus of the site and questions.
I enjoy working on questions to help make them better, providing clear information that can be accessed by the community.
I have already been participating in the review of questions and answers on the site to the level afforded through privileges.
I am willing to continue with a higher level of commitment and use the same eye of critique that I think our predecessors have laid down before us @Whuber, @MapperZ, @underdark.
Sometimes it is not easy to discern when to close a question (especially if the user is willing to edit and refine the question into our model). But, our existing moderators have given much in the way of example direction to make it easier.

And then one can always fall back on bookwork by reading. A Theory of Moderation

This election is over.