Questions tagged [spatial-filter]

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Apply Sieve in Google Earth Engine

Without applying a filter function like the mode or similar, I want to apply a sieve to a raster with two classes. Let's say I have a raster with pixel values 0 and 1; I want to remove groups of ...
Isa's user avatar
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QGIS raster calculator failed due to 'No reference layer selected nor CRS provided Execution failed'

I'm trying to fix this by setting the CRS of my raster layer. From its property source information, it's Albert_Conical_Equal_Area, but somehow it just fits perfectly with another vector layer of EPSG ...
lianal's user avatar
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Spatial filter (polygon) to import a WFS layer from an URL

I want to import a WFS layer from an URL, but spatial filter to import only the objets that intersect or are inside a polygon that i've drawn. I wrote a code but it doesnt seem to work as intended ...
emanas's user avatar
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Filter by information embedded in ID string in Google Earth Engine

I'm working with the Dynamic World data, which is organized into tile-date images. I want to filter the image collection by tile IDs (Copernicus tiles var tiles T46QCJ, T46QDJ, T46QDK, and T46QCK. I ...
C. Ashley's user avatar
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Using CQL filter with different CRS than layer WFS 2.0.0

I'm trying to implement spatial cql_filter such as 'intersects' for version 2.0.0 of WFS from GET or POST HTTP request. A working way of doing it, is by the URL below: "
Paul Carteron's user avatar
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How to interpolate a point between two points in Oracle

I have an Oracle database table which stores points of a track of moving objects. object_id geometry timestamp 1 ... 1970-01-01T00:01:00 1 ... 1970-01-01T00:02:00 1 ... 1970-01-01T00:03:00 2 ... ...
chko's user avatar
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Adding and filtering layer with map canvas extent using PyQGIS

I'm creating a small QGIS3.16 plugin with PyQGIS. I'd want to add a vector (PostGIS) layer to QGIS, and immediately filter it with the QGIS canvas extent. I found the QgsFeatureRequest(rectangle:...
V Damoy's user avatar
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Filter collection of images with selected geometry

I am developing an application to analyze the images of the districts of a region. I select the districts this way and it works fine (see image) var selectd = ui.Select ({ items: Object.keys (...
Ricardo Vicari's user avatar
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Mode Spatial Filter

I want to run a Mode filter (for example: 3*3 pixel) on the classification result in Google Earth Engine. But I can not find the command of this filter.
N. Ahmadi sani's user avatar
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Fill gaps in a categorical image with neighbors values in GEE

I'm reclassifying a DEM asset into 6 categories. However, there are some pixels that don't meet my criteria and are null. I would like to find a way to fill these gaps depending on its area and its ...
Luisa Fernanda Velasquez Camac's user avatar
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Spatial Overlapping - Filter by % of Coverage

I am working with 2 Polygon Shapefiles: parcels & wetlands Essentially what I want to accomplish is to filter the parcels dataset, where I only keep parcels that contain less than 50% Wetlands. ...
Tickets2Moontown's user avatar
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fes:DWithin throw parsing Error upon upgrade of geoserver from 2.13 to 2.18

We are using geoserver to do some wfs filtering. It was ok until we switched from version 2.13.0 to 2.17.2 first, then up to 2.18.2 (because we hoped the pb would be solved with newer version). ...
Marvin's user avatar
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Designing a Low Pass Filter

How can I design a similar Low Pass Filter as given below which takes into account only 4-connectivity and ignores the pixels that complete 8-connectivity?
Autodidact's user avatar
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Create feature collection of polygons' centroids in GEE

I am trying to determine the distance between province centroids and a polygon. Based on this past post, I was able to store the geographic coordinates of the province centroids into their feature ...
user157564's user avatar
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Is there a way to filter results in the attribute table of a point shapefile by the extent of a second polygon shapefile in QGIS?

I am currently trying to temporarly filter data with in the attribute table to a confined area defined by a second polygon shapefile. The data set to be filtered consists of 100s of points that extent ...
Geotern's user avatar
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Stitch together images taken at similar times from different satellites

I assume this is a very common problem, but I don't know where to start. Given two Google Earth Engine image collections (both containing a timeseries of images and multiple scenes), how can I ...
John's user avatar
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Does ArcPy (Standalone) have option like Spatial filter?

I want to get the polyline features intersecting with a polygon geometry and having a particular field values in ArcPy standalone script. There is another link for similar subject but it is not for ...
Venkat's user avatar
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Applying low pass/median filter over DEM in GeoTIFF format using ArcGIS Desktop?

I want to apply a median/low pass filter (over a few hundred kilometers) over my DEM to reduce the noise. I tried ArcGIS focal statistics tool but no luck. I got a blank GeoTIFF file. How can I do it ...
Nahid's user avatar
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Select by Location (Between two layers) - ArcObjects C#

I have two Point Feature Classes - Say FC1 and FC2 - added in the current map I want to Select Features from FC1 that intersect with Features of FC2 This can be easily done with ArcMap's Select By ...
Tayyab Mir's user avatar
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Framing of WFS GetFeature request using polygon intersect filter

I am trying to frame a Web Feature Service GET Request applying the INTERSECT filter but I am getting the following error. : <ows:ExceptionReport xmlns:ows="" version="1....
Charu Manivannan's user avatar
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Looking for documentation of OGR SetSpatialFilter

I need documentation on how to apply a spatial filter (using OGR's SetSpatialFilter). Setting the feature layer by which another layer should be filtered seems rather straightforward. But, how do ...
user109393's user avatar
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What is the correct way to apply a SpatialFilter on a Layer using GDAL & Python?

I'm looking at Selecting those Polygons in One Shapefile which are contained inside the Polygon which is stored in another Shapefile. I have managed to make some progress, and I have modified the ...
Devdatta Tengshe's user avatar