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Select Layer by Attribute: selection using loops

I'm quite new with python and i'm currently stuck trying to make a loop... I have a shape file of a grid with several fields of different species (more than 150). The values of each record are 0 or 1 depending on the presence of the species on that grid. What i need to do is to make a selection of grids for each specie. So far this is my attempt:

import arcpy 
import os, sys, datetime, time    
from import * 
from arcpy    import env 
arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = 1

arcpy.env.workspace = "G:\\Sara_hab_sp\\test"    
arcpy.env.scratchWorkspace = "G:\\temp\\default.gdb"    

arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management("G:\\Sara_hab_sp\\Confocc_pergrid.shp", "G:\\Sara_hab_sp\\test\\grid50")
gridlist = arcpy.ListFields ("G:\\Sara_hab_sp\\test\\grid50")

for grid in gridlist:
    query = 'grid = 1'
    selectgrid50 = arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management ("G:\\Sara_hab_sp\\test\\grid50", "NEW_SELECTION", query )

I always get an error message about the syntax of the query but i tried different things and it seems to me the error it's more related to the fact that maybe it's not possible to enter a list of fields in a query, although i have seen it's possible to do it with a list of different values of the same field...

Any suggestions on how to deal with this?