I'm a complete noob whenIs it comespossible to python and I've got a few questions about the ArcSDESQLExecute option for calling a SP.
For my setup, we ran the SP and then usecreate an ArcToolbox that executes a SQL execute script to execute the SPstored procedure and to askasks the user for a 'name' and 'date'. This SP uses a feature2 inputs? As it stands now, I have to login to my SQL server and all of its associated featuresrun an execute statement for a certain condition and it is identified by the name and date inputstored procedure that requires 2 inputs from the user.
I'm waningtrying to streamline my process by creating a toolbox that will call this SP and ask the user for a name and date that is required byto give people with no SQL experience the SPability to generate this data through an ArcToolbox.
Is creating a toolbox like this possible?
When creating the script with ArcSDESQLExecute, do I place the actual SQL script that created the SP or do I use the Execute script that we use in SSMS to call on the SP and allow for user input?