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Extraction of Raster Extract values on Points from raster into points: DATA LOSSdata loss using Extractextract function from raster package


I am trying to extract values of raster cells on Pointspoints using 'Extract' functionextract from raster package in R  (similar to 'Extract Values to Points' in ArcGIS-10.2). After doing so in order to check integrity, I computed the total value of all the raster cells (i.e. sum) ~ 66~66,000 and total extracted values on points ~ 49~49,000. We have tried both techniques 'Simple'simple and 'Bilinear'bilinear interpolation techniques. Data Lossloss gets only slightly reduced with 'Bilinear'bilinear technique ~ 50, i.e. ~50,000 points are extracted. There is a huge data loss, if anyone can provide a way forward or has experienced the same.

I am trying to extract values of raster cells on Points using 'Extract' function in R(similar to 'Extract Values to Points' in ArcGIS-10.2). After doing so in order to check integrity, I computed the total value of all the raster cells (i.e. sum) ~ 66,000 and total extracted values on points ~ 49,000. We have tried both techniques 'Simple' and 'Bilinear' interpolation techniques. Data Loss gets only slightly reduced with 'Bilinear' technique ~ 50,000. There is a huge data loss, if anyone can provide a way forward or has experienced the same.

I am trying to extract values of raster cells on points using extract from raster package in R  (similar to 'Extract Values to Points' in ArcGIS-10.2). After doing so in order to check integrity, I computed the total value of all the raster cells (i.e. sum) ~66,000 and total extracted values on points ~49,000. We have tried both techniques simple and bilinear interpolation techniques. Data loss gets only slightly reduced with bilinear technique, i.e. ~50,000 points are extracted. There is a huge data loss, if anyone can provide a way forward or has experienced the same.

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Extraction of Raster values on Points : DATA LOSS using Extract function

I am trying to extract values of raster cells on Points using 'Extract' function in R(similar to 'Extract Values to Points' in ArcGIS-10.2). After doing so in order to check integrity, I computed the total value of all the raster cells (i.e. sum) ~ 66,000 and total extracted values on points ~ 49,000. We have tried both techniques 'Simple' and 'Bilinear' interpolation techniques. Data Loss gets only slightly reduced with 'Bilinear' technique ~ 50,000. There is a huge data loss, if anyone can provide a way forward or has experienced the same.