Does anyone know the precise list of differences between esri wktESRI WKT and ogc wktOGC WKT projection format strings?
I know there are various tools to help convert from esri wktESRI WKT to ogc wktOGC WKT, incl gdalincluding GDAL utilities and various website services. But my question is not of a practical kind, I simply want to understand the formatting/syntax differences that these services make use of. Previous Stackexchange questions have only talked about the difference in specific examples or about the tools and services available.
Even if you just know one difference it would be great if you could just post it. From my own experience there should only be a small handful of differences. The differences i know of are:
- most text items in esri definition uses underscore where ogc uses space.
- the text defining the datum in esri wkt is same as ogc wkt except it starts with "D_".
- sometimes the text identifiers for some predefined PROJCS, PROJECTION, GEOGCS, and DATUM are written differently (eg "NAD83" in one being "North_American_1983"). I guess the only way to know which identifiers are spelled differently would be to have a list or lookup table, so please name any that you know are different.
- the various PARAMETER text values are all the same, except ogc has each word upper titlecase whereas esri has everything lowercase. However, i have seen cases where this rule hasnt been used, does anyone know if titlecase actually matters when it comes to software trying to load them?
- the type of UNIT is spelled upper titlecase in ogc and lowercase in esri, eg "Degree" vs "degree". In some cases i have seen ogc being spelled as both "meter" and "m" for "Meter" and in other cases with french spelling "metre". Anyone know what the correct convention is for these or any other unit type for both formats?
Thanks in advance!