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I'm pretty new to python but trying to hide a lot of the nitty-gritty of creating a grandfathered version and reconciling from my users. I've gotten pretty far, but can't figure out a way for a toolbox script in ArcMap to kick off the interactive conflict review window for my users - is this possible using python and ArcMap?

I can't seem to find any info online about this. I'm using AGS 10.2, python 2.7. Here is the window I'm trying to initiate (conflict resolution window):

Thanks very much!!

I'm pretty new to python but trying to hide a lot of the nitty-gritty of creating a grandfathered version and reconciling from my users. I've gotten pretty far, but can't figure out a way for a toolbox script in ArcMap to kick off the interactive conflict review window for my users - is this possible using python and ArcMap?

I can't seem to find any info online about this. I'm using AGS 10.2, python 2.7. Here is the window I'm trying to initiate (conflict resolution window):

Thanks very much!!

I'm pretty new to python but trying to hide a lot of the nitty-gritty of creating a grandfathered version and reconciling from my users. I've gotten pretty far, but can't figure out a way for a toolbox script in ArcMap to kick off the interactive conflict review window for my users - is this possible using python and ArcMap?

I can't seem to find any info online about this. I'm using AGS 10.2, python 2.7. Here is the window I'm trying to initiate (conflict resolution window):

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Can Arcpy Reconcile Initiate the Interactive Conflict Review?

I'm pretty new to python but trying to hide a lot of the nitty-gritty of creating a grandfathered version and reconciling from my users. I've gotten pretty far, but can't figure out a way for a toolbox script in ArcMap to kick off the interactive conflict review window for my users - is this possible using python and ArcMap?

I can't seem to find any info online about this. I'm using AGS 10.2, python 2.7. Here is the window I'm trying to initiate (conflict resolution window):

Thanks very much!!