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update on unix/windows, parallelization caveats
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2) Parallelization couldcould get you a lot more

cluster<-makeCluster(4, type = "SOCK") # number ofnum workers should be less than number< ofnum CPU cores

One of the drawbacks of the parallel foreach is that it's hard to tell when something goes wrong. It would be good to do this serially first by replacing the %dopar% with %do% until you know it is working, and then let it run through the whole thing.

Caveats In my simple example above (each raster had 1/100 the pixels in cld and r, respectively) I only improved an additional 30% by engaging 5 workers over doing it serially with just the single process. I was unable to parallelize the example with large rasters without getting Error in { : task 1 failed - "cannot allocate vector of size xx.x Mb". I think conceptually this should work but I wasn't able to get it working at the scale you are working at.

2) Parallelization could get you a lot more

cluster<-makeCluster(4, type = "SOCK") # number of workers should be less than number of CPU cores

One of the drawbacks of the parallel foreach is that it's hard to tell when something goes wrong. It would be good to do this serially first by replacing the %dopar% with %do% until you know it is working, and then let it run through the whole thing.

2) Parallelization could get you a lot more

cluster<-makeCluster(4, type = "SOCK") # num workers should be < num CPU cores

One of the drawbacks of the parallel foreach is that it's hard to tell when something goes wrong. It would be good to do this serially first by replacing the %dopar% with %do% until you know it is working, and then let it run through the whole thing.

Caveats In my simple example above (each raster had 1/100 the pixels in cld and r, respectively) I only improved an additional 30% by engaging 5 workers over doing it serially with just the single process. I was unable to parallelize the example with large rasters without getting Error in { : task 1 failed - "cannot allocate vector of size xx.x Mb". I think conceptually this should work but I wasn't able to get it working at the scale you are working at.

update on unix/windows
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1) resample results in 50% improvement

I was able to get about 50% improvement by resampling directly from the cld raster to a new raster with the same extent/resolution as r and a nearest neighbor sampling method:

  mat$landuse<- NA
   user  system elapsed 
 188  2.4760    0.00    2.61


  mat< # getting values from the stack
  xy<-xyFromCell(r,c(1:ncell(r)),spatial = TRUE)
  mat$landuse<- NA
  mat$landuse<- extract(clip1,cells) #this line takes 5 mins based on profiling
   user  system elapsed 
   4.8298  195  0.0100    5.02 

On a smaller dataset, and with a much smaller memory footprint

2) Parallelization could get you a lot more

That will improve things significantly but you can get massive improvement if you can parallelize this. R comes with a couple parallelization backends and they all run through foreach. I assume you are going to either process mat in place or save it for later. Since it takes so much work to get that resampled data let's just assume we'll save it for later. The most convenient form is probably a raster alongside the data_robin files.

Unfortunately, Windows and Unix parallelization options differ. On linux, use doMC, on Windows use doSNOW. Assuming we employ 4 workers:

linux initialization:

libraryregisterDoMC(doMC4) # number of workers should be less than number of CPU cores

windows initialization:

#cluster<-makeCluster(4, Specifytype the= "SOCK") # number of workers (should be less than the number of cores in yourCPU machinecores



# Assume you have an array of filenames called 'files'
foreach (i=1:length(filenames), .packages=c('raster')) %dopar% {
    r <- stack(paste0(path, "/data_robin/", files[i]))
    outFilename=paste0(path, "/data_robin/", file_path_sans_ext(files[i]), "_cld.tif")
    cldResampled <- resample(cld,r,method='ngb')
    writeRaster(cldResampled, filename=outFilename, format="GTiff")

One of the drawbacks of the parallel foreach is that it's hard to tell when something goes wrong. It would be good to do this serially first by replacing the %dopar% with %do% until you know it is working, and then let it run through the whole thing.

1) resample results in 50% improvement

I was able to get about 50% improvement by resampling directly from the cld raster to a new raster with the same extent/resolution as r and a nearest neighbor sampling method:

  mat$landuse<- NA
   user  system elapsed 
 188.47    5.82  195.01 

2) Parallelization could get you a lot more

That will improve things significantly but you can get massive improvement if you can parallelize this. R comes with a couple parallelization backends and they all run through foreach. I assume you are going to either process mat in place or save it for later. Since it takes so much work to get that resampled data let's just assume we'll save it for later. The most convenient form is probably a raster alongside the data_robin files.

# Specify the number of workers (should be less than the number of cores in your machine)

# Assume you have an array of filenames called 'files'
foreach (i=1:length(filenames), .packages=c('raster')) %dopar% {
    r <- stack(paste0(path, "/data_robin/", files[i]))
    outFilename=paste0(path, "/data_robin/", file_path_sans_ext(files[i]), "_cld.tif")
    cldResampled <- resample(cld,r,method='ngb')
    writeRaster(cldResampled, filename=outFilename, format="GTiff")

One of the drawbacks of the parallel foreach is that it's hard to tell when something goes wrong. It would be good to do this serially first by replacing the %dopar% with %do% until you know it is working, and then let it run through the whole thing.

1) resample results in 50% improvement

I was able to get about 50% improvement by resampling directly from the cld raster to a new raster with the same extent/resolution as r and a nearest neighbor sampling method:

  mat$landuse<- NA
   user  system elapsed 
   2.60    0.00    2.61


  mat< # getting values from the stack
  xy<-xyFromCell(r,c(1:ncell(r)),spatial = TRUE)
  mat$landuse<- NA
  mat$landuse<- extract(clip1,cells) #this line takes 5 mins based on profiling
   user  system elapsed 
   4.98    0.00    5.02 

On a smaller dataset, and with a much smaller memory footprint

2) Parallelization could get you a lot more

That will improve things significantly but you can get massive improvement if you can parallelize this. R comes with a couple parallelization backends and they all run through foreach. I assume you are going to either process mat in place or save it for later. Since it takes so much work to get that resampled data let's just assume we'll save it for later. The most convenient form is probably a raster alongside the data_robin files.

Unfortunately, Windows and Unix parallelization options differ. On linux, use doMC, on Windows use doSNOW. Assuming we employ 4 workers:

linux initialization:

registerDoMC(4) # number of workers should be less than number of CPU cores

windows initialization:

cluster<-makeCluster(4, type = "SOCK") # number of workers should be less than number of CPU cores



# Assume you have an array of filenames called 'files'
foreach (i=1:length(filenames), .packages=c('raster')) %dopar% {
    r <- stack(paste0(path, "/data_robin/", files[i]))
    outFilename=paste0(path, "/data_robin/", file_path_sans_ext(files[i]), "_cld.tif")
    cldResampled <- resample(cld,r,method='ngb')
    writeRaster(cldResampled, filename=outFilename, format="GTiff")

One of the drawbacks of the parallel foreach is that it's hard to tell when something goes wrong. It would be good to do this serially first by replacing the %dopar% with %do% until you know it is working, and then let it run through the whole thing.

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1) resample results in 50% improvement

I was able to get about 50% improvement by resampling directly from the cld raster to a new raster with the same extent/resolution as r and a nearest neighbor sampling method:

  mat$landuse<- NA
   user  system elapsed 
 188.47    5.82  195.01 

2) Parallelization could get you a lot more

That will improve things significantly but you can get massive improvement if you can parallelize this. R comes with a couple parallelization backends and they all run through foreach. I assume you are going to either process mat in place or save it for later. Since it takes so much work to get that resampled data let's just assume we'll save it for later. The most convenient form is probably a raster alongside the data_robin files.


# Specify the number of workers (should be less than the number of cores in your machine)

# Assume you have an array of filenames called 'files'
foreach (i=1:length(filenames), .packages=c('raster')) %dopar% {
    r <- stack(paste0(path, "/data_robin/", files[i]))
    outFilename=paste0(path, "/data_robin/", file_path_sans_ext(files[i]), "_cld.tif")
    cldResampled <- resample(cld,r,method='ngb')
    writeRaster(cldResampled, filename=outFilename, format="GTiff")

One of the drawbacks of the parallel foreach is that it's hard to tell when something goes wrong. It would be good to do this serially first by replacing the %dopar% with %do% until you know it is working, and then let it run through the whole thing.