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Nov 22, 2022 at 20:38 history bounty ended User1974
Oct 22, 2011 at 12:13 comment added user173 @wilbev: Perhaps it's worth dropping a line to help center - might be a problem on their side then. They always replied to me within few days and were very helpful. It's still pretty new service I think, co might be rough on the edges..
Oct 21, 2011 at 17:46 comment added wilbev I also tried about 10 different public maps and most had google maps for the baselayer. Of those I tried, I only got one to visually show up in the popup preview. Kind of seems GISCloud is very sensitive to the data in the may and possibly a projection problem as you suggest. My image is definitely projected and georeferenced. It shows up perfect with any baselayer in the GISCloud map. It is in a UTM projection, so not web Mercator. So when you say it worked fine for you, are you talking about the WMS url? It looks like it's the same URL for all maps within a given account.
Oct 20, 2011 at 21:26 comment added user173 Just tried it with some random public map and it did worked for me. Is your projection set up properly? Is your image georeferenced in correct way? Try including google map as a base layer in your project perhaps? Then you can see if it displays in correct position in the world.
Oct 20, 2011 at 21:12 comment added wilbev radek: That's what I did to attempt to use the Google Maps. When I click on the Popup preview, it only shows the Google map basemap, where the image is located but no raster image is shown. I have no idea why the WMS url doesn't work. Are you able to get them to work with no problems? I even tried a second account and I get the same result. Unless I'm doing something wrong, which I'm not doing much other than copying a url, I can't see this working for anyone.
Oct 20, 2011 at 19:58 comment added user173 @wilbev: Strange. Perhaps try Map > Share and Publish > Embed. choose either option that is convenient for you and hit 'Popup preview'.
Oct 20, 2011 at 19:26 comment added wilbev I have tried in QGIS. I paste the exact URL from the WMS tab in GIS Cloud in the URL field. The error message I get back is"Could not understand the respone. The wms provider said: Download of capabilities failed: Error the WMS address and says server replied: Internal Server Error. Maybe something is wrong on GIS Cloud's side with this? Also, I tried to the Google Maps too, and it will takes me to the correct location but it's not displaying the raster layer for some reason.
Oct 20, 2011 at 8:19 comment added user173 @wilbev: Where did you paste the link exactly? If you want to have a quick preview you can display your WMS layer in QGIS - just hit the button 'Add WMS layer' and fill parameters. If you want to display it in a browser you can generate a code for Google Maps overview with GISCloud. Or build a simple viewer with, OpenLayers or Leaflet.
Oct 20, 2011 at 0:10 comment added wilbev thanks for the tip with GISCloud. So I went ahead and tried this, enble the WMS feature for the map I created but I can't see to get any GIS clients to connect to the WMS address given. All I get is failed to connect when I paste the WMS address given. Is there something more I need to do or add to the address?
Oct 19, 2011 at 0:25 history edited user173 CC BY-SA 3.0
added 126 characters in body
Oct 19, 2011 at 0:19 history answered user173 CC BY-SA 3.0