A more convenient solution for reading is provided by @RobertH elsewhere in this thread. You can read the Arc* grid dataset directly using the same approach described here: simply reference the folder in which the grid datafiles lie in the raster
###Original reply###
Original reply
In Arc*, use the Raster to ASCII
tool (found in Conversion Tools|From Raster
) to export a grid in ASCII format.
In R
, load the raster
and rgdal
packages, then read the raster using the raster
function, as in
r <- raster("G:/USGS/DEM/7_5min/VA/albem_s1.txt")
To create the .grd version, use writeRaster
, as in
writeRaster(r, "G:/USGS/DEM/7_5min/VA/albem_s1.grd")
The console response will describe what's in the .grd part of the output (the data are in a .gri file), as in
class : RasterLayer
filename : G:/USGS/DEM/7_5min/VA/albem_s1.grd
nrow : 1415
ncol : 1133
ncell : 1603195
min value : 70
max value : 960
projection : +proj=utm +zone=17 +ellps=GRS80 +datum=NAD83 +units=m +no_defs +towgs84=0,0,0
xmin : 686280
xmax : 720270
ymin : 4179990
ymax : 4222440
xres : 30
yres : 30