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what are the Are there free software usedoptions to view dgn files?

I need to view a large nonumber of dgn.dgn files with outwithout adding it to arcmapArcMap,microstation Microstation.So So I need somea free software solution to view mythe dgn filefiles.I do I will only be viewing the files and will not wantneed to edit those filethem.Can Can any one suggest one.?

what are the free software used to view dgn files?

I need to view a large no of dgn files with out adding it to arcmap,microstation.So I need some free software to view my dgn file.I do not want to edit those file.Can any one suggest one.

Are there free software options to view dgn files?

I need to view a large number of .dgn files without adding it to ArcMap, Microstation. So I need a free software solution to view the dgn files. I will only be viewing the files and will not need to edit them. Can any one suggest one?

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what are the free software used to view dgn files?

I need to view a large no of dgn files with out adding it to arcmap,microstation.So I need some free software to view my dgn file.I do not want to edit those file.Can any one suggest one.