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The else statement is what isn't working. I have searched a lot and haven't come up with a solution. Any help/guidance would be appreciated. Please let me know if further explanation is needed.

The else statement is what isn't working. I have searched a lot and haven't come up with a solution. Any help/guidance would be appreciated. Please let me know if further explanation is needed.

The else statement is what isn't working.

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Remove feature class from group layer in C#

I have a large program that pulls in various group layers and feature classes. What I am trying to do is check each feature class within a specific group layer that is empty. The count part is easy and just leaves the feat class unsourced. I really want to remove it when empty. This is a brief code example:

public static void FoiUpdSym()
        IMxDocument MXDoc = (IMxDocument)PublicVars.g_App.Document;
        IMap map = MXDoc.FocusMap;
        IFeatureWorkspace SDEFeatWS = null;
        IFeatureWorkspace SDEMasterWS = null;
        IFeatureWorkspace FoiUpdateWS = null;
        IGxLayer GxLayer;
        IGxFile GxFile;
        ILayer layer;
        UID uid;
        IEnumLayer enumLayer;
        IFeatureLayer featLayer = null;
        IFeatureClass featClass = null;

        // load group layer file
        GxLayer = new GxLayer();
        GxFile = (IGxFile)GxLayer;
        GxFile.Path = "\\\\gisTools\\gis\\symbology\\foiupdate\\foi-update_2016.lyr"; // strSymPath
        GxLayer = (IGxLayer)GxFile;
        layer = GxLayer.Layer;

        uid = new UIDClass();
        uid.Value = "{40A9E885-5533-11d0-98BE-00805F7CED21}"; // IFeatureLayer
        enumLayer = map.get_Layers(uid, true);
        layer = enumLayer.Next();

        while (layer != null)
            featLayer = (IFeatureLayer)layer;
            if (Regex.IsMatch(layer.Name, "cityp_adds"))
                        featClass = FoiUpdateWS.OpenFeatureClass("cityp_adds");
                        IQueryFilter queryFilter = new QueryFilterClass();
                        if (featClass.FeatureCount(queryFilter) > 0)
                            featLayer.FeatureClass = featClass;
                            featLayer.Selectable = false;
                            featLayer.Visible = false;
                    catch { }

The else statement is what isn't working. I have searched a lot and haven't come up with a solution. Any help/guidance would be appreciated. Please let me know if further explanation is needed.