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Is there a way to get the Getting map document name/path from a published map service using ArcPy/ArcObjects?

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Is there a way to get the map document name/path from a published map service?

I have several map services published to ArcGIS Server 10.0 SP2 and I have layer metadata files exported to HTML that I want to link to the layers in the map service.

Currently the metadata HTML files are named based on the data source (eg 'Zip_Code_Poly.htm') but I need to correlate the layer name/ID from the map service to that file. I was thinking that the easiest way to do it would be to run an arcpy script to get all the layer data sources.

I've run into an issue though that the client (this is a web app) needs to look up these HTML files by service name and layer name/ID but without hard coding a mapping from service -> MXD I can't figure out what map document to use in arcpy.

Is there a way using arcpy or something else that I can look at a published map service and get the map document it was created from?