Here is a step-wise process. Queries were made with Spatialite-gui and visualizations with OpenJUMP.
Take some points into table "points" with an attribute "radius".
Buffer points by taking the radius from an attribute with SQL
SELECT ST_Buffer("geometry", "radius") as geometry FROM points;
Union the buffer areas with SQL
CREATE TABLE "combined" AS
SELECT ST_Union(geometry) as geometry FROM buffers;
Union is one big multipolygon at this stage. Split it to three distinct geometries with SQL
SELECT ElementaryGeometries('combined', 'geometry', 'elements', 'ID', 'poly_ID');
Have a look at the new table "elements"
The result is close to your sketch, isn't it?
Note: You must execute some additional SQL statements or use the tools of the spatialite-gui besides the ones I have written for registering the geometry columns of the interim tables. I hope my answer is complete enough for a proof of concept.
You can write ST_Union and ST_Buffer into same SQL but it is necessary to create a physical table "combined" and register it into geometry_columns for making ElementaryGeometries function to work.