QGIS 2.16 / 2.18 / 3.000:
- Layer - Add Layer - Add ArcGIS FeatureServer Layer...
- New (for a new connection). Give a name and enter https://gis.ohiodnr.gov/arcgis/rest/services/OIT_Services/odnr_landbase/MapServer/ in field URL.
- Connect (connect to service to fetch layers).
- Select layer. For example Current Township.
- Add.
QGIS 2.14:
- Install ArcGIS REST API Connector plugin. (a. Plugins - Manage and install plugins... b. Tab Settings. c. Mark checkbox Show also experimental plugins. d. Tab All. e. Search for ArcGIS, select and install ArcGIS REST API Connector plugin.)
- Hit the ArcGIS icon in the Manage Layers Toolbar.
- Enter the layer URL in field Layer URL. https://gis.ohiodnr.gov/arcgis/rest/services/OIT_Services/odnr_landbase/MapServer/2 Layernumber is important!
- Put cursor in field Layer Name. If Layer URL is correct Layer Name will show up.
- Connect to add features to QGIS.
When I checked the data, not all layers worked well.
- Counties: QGIS 2.16.0 gave me a crash. FME failed, log said No resultsPython Exception : fmeobjects.FMEGeometry or None is required FME said 0 features. The same layer in the V3 service did work and gave me 164 features.
- Historic_Township: 1365 features
- Current_Township: 1330 features
- Land_Subdivision: QGIS 2.16.0 gave me a crash. FME failed, log said No resultsPython Exception : fmeobjects.FMEGeometry or None is required. FME said 29917 features.
- Statewide_Parcels: QGIS 2.16.0 gave me a crash. FME failed, log said Encountered an unexpected error. The error code from the server was '500' and the message was: 'Error performing query operation'. Details: ''