I have a columnset of geometry values (point values) and. I have another distinct geometry value (polygon). I want to find out which point values from my column ispoints are inside the polygon (distinct geometry valuecontains) the polygon. I have used st_containsSay, but itmy polygon is giving error as more than one row returnedB. And the set of points are: {A1, A2, A3...}. I want to check whether B contains A1 then A2 then A3 and so on. I can do it individually by ST_Contains. Such as:
select * from table1 where st_contains(B,A1)
But I don't want to check individually. I want to check for the whole set at a subquerytime, i.e {A1, A2, A3...} and want to find out the points (i.e A3 and/or A2) which are contained in B means which has given true value for ST_Contains. How to do it?