I have the following layer defined in a mapfile:
NAME "aggregates"
CONNECTION "host=localhost port=5432 dbname=*** user=*** password=***"
DATA "geom FROM (SELECT b.geom AS geom, a.peril_id, a.portfolio_id, a.tiv, a.thematic_tiv, a.aggregates_id FROM schema.aggregates a INNER JOIN gisdata.adm_1 b on a.gid = b.gid) AS c using SRID=4326 using unique aggregates_id"
This works in Mapserver 6.4. However, when I try to use this with Mapserver 7, I get the following errors logged when I try to generate tiles:
[Wed Jun 7 03:42:43 2017].502983 msDrawMap(): rendering using outputformat named png (AGG/PNG).
[Wed Jun 7 03:42:43 2017].503018 msDrawMap(): WMS/WFS set-up and query, 0.000s
[Wed Jun 7 03:42:43 2017].523359 msPostGISLayerWhichShapes(): Error (ERROR: syntax error at or near ")"
LINE 1: ...2300166285,129.462890606979 36.6292300166285))',4326) and ()
) executing query: select "thematic_tiv",encode(ST_AsBinary(ST_Force2D("geom"),'NDR'),'hex') as geom,"aggregates_id" from (SELECT b.geom AS geom, a.peril_id, a.portfolio_id, a.tiv, a.thematic_tiv, a.aggregates_id FROM portfolios.aggregates a INNER JOIN gisdata.adm_1 b on a.gid = b.gid) AS c where geom && ST_GeomFromText('POLYGON((129.462890606979 36.6292300166285,129.462890606979 68.6423395678331,179.999999974944 68.6423395678331,179.999999974944 36.6292300166285,129.462890606979 36.6292300166285))',4326) and ()
[Wed Jun 7 03:42:43 2017].523377 msPostGISLayerWhichShapes(): Query error. Error executing query. Check server logs
[Wed Jun 7 03:42:43 2017].523434 msDrawMap(): Image handling error. Failed to draw layer named 'area_aggregates_tiv'.
[Wed Jun 7 03:42:43 2017].523927 msFreeMap(): freeing map at 0x560aa573b6c0.
I'm sure something's changed in the way I'm supposed to configure the mapfile, but I can't figure out what it is. Can anyone help me?
Thank you!