This is a difficult question as there just have not been many, if any, spatial process statistics developed for line features. Without seriously digging into equations and code, point process statistics are not readily applicable to linear features and thus, statistically invalid. This is because the null, that a given pattern is tested against, is based on point events given a random field and not linear dependencies in the random field. I have to say that I do not even know what the null would be as far as intensity and arrangement/orientation would be even more difficult.
l <- copper$Lines
l <- rotate.psp(l, pi/2)
l <- copper$Lines
l <- rotate.psp(l, pi/2)
Lr <- function (...) {
K <- Kest(...)
nama <- colnames(K)
K <- K[, !(nama %in% c("rip", "ls"))]
L <- eval.fv(sqrt(K/pi)-bw)
L <- rebadge.fv(L, substitute(L(r), NULL), "L")
### Ripley's K ( Besag L(r) ) for start locations
start <- endpoints.psp(l, which="first")
marks(start) <- factor("start")
W <- start$window
area <- area.owin(W)
lambda <- start$n / area
ripley <- min(diff(W$xrange), diff(W$yrange))/4
rlarge <- sqrt(1000/(pi * lambda))
rmax <- min(rlarge, ripley)
bw=seq(0, rmax, by=1)
( Lenv <- plot( envelope(start, fun="Lr", r=seq(0, rmax, by=1), nsim=199, nrank=5) ) )
### Ripley's K ( Besag L(r) ) for end locations
stop <- endpoints.psp(l, which="second")
marks(stop) <- factor("stop")
W <- stop$window
area <- area.owin(W)
lambda <- stop$n / area
ripley <- min(diff(W$xrange), diff(W$yrange))/4
rlarge <- sqrt(1000/(pi * lambda))
rmax <- min(rlarge, ripley)
bw=seq(0, rmax, by=1)
( Lenv <- plot( envelope(start, fun="Lr", r=seq(0, rmax, by=1), nsim=199, nrank=5) ) )
### Ripley's Cross-K ( Besag L(r) ) for start/stop
sdata.ppp <- superimpose(start, stop)
( Lenv <- plot(envelope(sdata.ppp, fun="Kcross", r=bw, i="start", j="stop", nsim=199,nrank=5,
transform=expression(sqrt(./pi)-bw), global=TRUE) ) )