Currently there is the following software in use: Win10 Clients, MS Access, ArcView 3.2 from year 1999
There are 3 common workflows, I describe one:
- Within the MS Access Form a Dataset is selected
- Then I click the „Show me in GIS“ Button in MS Access Form.
- MS Access opens ArcView and an ArcView Project with a DDE Connection, not only is this DDE Connection opening ArcView, it also takes the ID of the selected Dataset and runs a script within ArcView.
- The script in ArcView gets the ID from the DDE connection, goes to a known shapefile and looks into the attibuteattribute table if the ID is present, if yes, it zooms to the proper Geometry.
So no Access Database is directly connected to ArcView, but only some data is sent and received.
The question: HowHow it is possible to achiveachieve the same workflow with QGIS? (The MS Access Database will stay literally forever.) I can't use a DDE connection with QGIS as far as I know.
I am not asking here for a perfect solution. A starting point would be good (PyQGIS, batch-file, ...)