Here is a workaround if you are behind proxy and not getting the repositories. This would work for all python plugins.
- Download the plugin directly from the repository url using your browser. For example, for CadTools, download the zip file from the here repo link
- Unzip the file. Copy the folder(usually one directory down the
extracted folder) to your python plugins directory. In windows, this
would be for QGIS1:
C:\Program Files\Quantum GIS Wroclaw\apps\qgis\python\plugins
, for QGIS2:C:\Users\yourusername\.qgis2\python\plugins
or for QGIS3:C:\Users\yourusername\AppData\Roaming\QGIS\QGIS3\profiles\default\python\plugins
and on OSX:~/.qgis/python/plugins
- Restart QgisQGIS and now you can see this plugin installed. Just enable this plugin in the Plugin Manager.