Timeline for WKT for EPSG:4326 with LON 0 to +360 instead of -180 to +180
Current License: CC BY-SA 3.0
9 events
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Sep 26, 2017 at 13:17 | comment | added | dbaston |
@MikeFurlender The -new_grid command isn't working for me either on this file. Glad you were able to find a solution with GDAL.
Sep 23, 2017 at 8:54 | comment | added | AndreJ | ... which might proove that your wgrib2 build is without IPOLATES. | |
Sep 22, 2017 at 19:50 | comment | added | Mike Furlender | but for some reason it gives me a grid that starts at 279.663 longitude | |
Sep 22, 2017 at 19:49 | comment | added | Mike Furlender | this was my latest attempt with wgrib2: wgrib2 ECMWF_2017052412.grib2 -new_grid_winds earth -new_grid latlon -130.0173001:2847:0.0174532925199433 19.9770559:1517:0.125 out.grb | |
Sep 21, 2017 at 20:30 | comment | added | mkennedy | This page has a better description of the latlon parameter. You need start point (which is not 180,-90), number of cells, cell size so it's basically regeoreferencing the data if you use the same cell size. | |
Sep 21, 2017 at 19:01 | comment | added | Mike Furlender | That gets me closer, but when I do gdalinfo on the resulting file I get Upper Left ( 179.938, 99.562) (179d56'15.00"E, 99d33'45.00"N) Lower Left ( 179.9375000, -90.0625000) (179d56'15.00"E, 90d 3'45.00"S) Upper Right ( 535.812, 99.562) (Invalid angle, 99d33'45.00"N) Lower Right ( 535.812, -90.062) (Invalid angle, 90d 3'45.00"S) Center ( 357.875, 4.750) (357d52'30.00"E, 4d45' 0.00"N) | |
Sep 21, 2017 at 18:55 | comment | added | dbaston |
I think the example from the FAQ might have a typo. The syntax is min:ncells:resolution . Sounds like your inputs are global at 1/8-degree resolution, so you could do -new_grid latlon -180:2880:0.125 -90:1440:0.125 .
Sep 21, 2017 at 18:38 | comment | added | Mike Furlender |
This looks like a potential solution to my problem, but when I use a 1x1 grid I get a tiny file with a very pixelated grid. How do I find out the dimensions of my original grid? I thought it might be "Size is 2847, 1517" from gdalinfo , but using 180:361:1517 -90:181:2847 out.grb gave me errors.
Sep 21, 2017 at 18:09 | history | answered | dbaston | CC BY-SA 3.0 |