I am using a SceneView and SceneLayer with the ArcGIS Javascript API 4.5. My SceneLayer has point features and I want to display them as cones with the point of the cone pointing to the ground. I can get them to render as cones with this renderer:
var renderer = {
type: 'simple', // autocasts as new SimpleRenderer()
symbol: { // symbol type required for rendering point geometries
type: 'point-3d', // autocasts as new PointSymbol3D()
symbolLayers: [{ // renders points as volumetric objects
type: 'object', // autocasts as new ObjectSymbol3DLayer()
resource: { primitive: 'cone' }, // renders points as cones
width: 15
However the cones are pointing the wrong direction and I can't find a good example of how to rotate them. Does anyone have any examples of this?
I would also like these points to scale based on zoom. I know that there is scale-based symbol sizing that you can enablebe done for a web scene in ArcGIS Promap view but I haven't found how to do this with the JS APIa scene view. Is this possible?