It's also important that you pick up the difference between assignment (=
) and conditional (==
). When you say X = 1
now the value of X is equal to 1, but if you say X == 1
then X does not change, it will either be True or False depending on the value of X; python will skip right over this without giving an error and you'll end up going nuts trying to find why X is none when you go to use it later.
By popular demand, a dictionary solution
import arcpy
arcpy.env.workspace= r"Y:\Personal\jsmith\EGData.gdb"
fields=["OID@", "SHAPE@XY"] #tokens to access
broken_city_OIDs=[66, 68, 61, 74, 86, 80, 116, 94, 96, 97]
Dict = {} # new empty dictionary
with arcpy.da.SearchCursor("us_cities",fields) as SCur:
for SRow in SCur:
if SRow[0] in broken_city_OIDs:
Dict[SRow[0]] = SRow[1] # put the geometry tuple in the dictionary indexed by the OID
with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor("cities_broken",fields) as UCur:
# get ready to update each row
for URow in UCur:
if URow[0] in broken_city_OIDs:
# don't just assume that the key is in the dictionary, check!
if URow[0] in Dict:
URow[1]=Dict[URow[0]] # copy the dictionary geometry tuple to the updated row
UCur.updateRow(URow) # Important!! or the changes aren't saved
This is far more efficient than the nested loop. The process has two iterations
- Search through the match 'to' data and copy the necessary values into the dictionary.
- Update the required features with the in memory copy of the values stored in the dictionary.
Dictionaries are a little more advanced, they are like a list but store the values in a Key:Value pair, where a list is addressed from 0 numerically a dictionary can store keys of any type, you can have keys of strings and numbers in the same dictionary.. the only thing to watch for is that you don't inadvertently overwrite an existing value for a given key, a key must be unique.