I have a project opened in Qgis "qgis_training.qgs" and I am trying to add a layer to it via python2.7.6 IDLE using the following code:
from qgis.core import *
from qgis.utils import iface
from PyQt4.QtCore import QFileInfo
# Get the project instance
project = QgsProject.instance()
# Print the current project file name (might be empty in case no projects have been loaded)
print project.fileName()
# Load another project
print project.fileName()
bridge = QgsLayerTreeMapCanvasBridge( \
QgsProject.instance().layerTreeRoot(), canvas)
# Now you can safely load your project and see it in the canvas
# Function addVectorLayer: Open and display a vector layer in QGIS
layer = iface.addVectorLayer("/home/julierme/Desktop/amazonia_sar/amapa/SHP/mask_covmingrad.shp", "mask_covmingrad", "ogr")
if not layer.IsValid():
print "Layer failed to load!"
# Save the project to the same
I am getting the error message below while running it:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/julierme/pyqgis/scripts/script2.py", line 17, in <module>
bridge = QgsLayerTreeMapCanvasBridge( \
NameError: name 'QgsLayerTreeMapCanvasBridge' is not defined
Could someone help on how soHow can I solve this issue and how to achieve my goal, please?
Thank you for your time in advance.