I am using the esri-leaflet plugin to connect to an internally hosted Arc gis serverArcGIS Server. I have tried using a basemap or tilemap implementation but get the same results with both. The problem is that I am only seeing North America and South America with the same tile starting over again at the prime meridian. I can find the tiles for europe and Asia by looking at them on the arcgis server so I know they are there. My arcgis server
My ArcGIS Server (set up by someone long gone) is saying we are using spatial reference of 4326. Leaflet
Leaflet Esri plugin states this -
Your map service must be published using the Web Mercator Auxiliary Sphere tiling scheme (WKID 102100/3857) and the default scale option used by Google Maps, Bing Maps and ArcGIS Online. Esri Leaflet will not support any other spatial reference for tile layers.
My question is amAm I able to use this Esri leaflet plugin or do I need the proj4Leaflet with a new CRS projection setting? I
I think I am getting tripped up on the tiling scheme of this pre-existing ArcGis server and don't know how to get a leaflet 2D map to work with it. Thanks for your help!
Some example code -
var crs = L.CRS.EPSG4326;
var map = L.map("map").setView([1,1],1); //just picked a random spot.
url: myUrl,