(Pre-flight-check: are Assuming attributes are identical in all original tables? Is and the geometry type is exactly the same in all tables?)
You, you can either
- create the (empty) table first, then use INSERT INTO...SELECT... FROM to get all the data from each of the original tables into the merged one.
- Create the new table from one big UNION statement.
For 1 it might go:
CREATE TABLE merged (id serial primary key, attrib1 integer, attrib2 varchar(15),....);
SELECT AddGeometryColumn('merged','geom',<SRID>,'<FEATURE_TYPE>,'XY');
INSERT INTO merged (attrib1, attrib2, ...., geom) SELECT attribA, attribB,...,geom FROM table_1;
INSERT INTO merged (attrib1, attrib2, ...., geom) SELECT attribA, attribB,...,geom FROM table_2;
and so on...
For option 2:
SELECT attribA, attribB,...,geom FROM table_1
SELECT attribA, attribB,...,geom FROM table_2
SELECT Populate_Geometry_Columns('merged'::regclass);
HTH, Micha