I would like to to use the WMS url from https://www.alegrodialog.de/profiles/markaspot/modules/mark_a_spot/modules/markaspot_wms/markaspot_wms.js which is about the ALEGrO DC power line.
var alegro = L.tileLayer.wms("https://map-proxy.zebralog.de/maps.zebralog.de/cgi-bin/maps-amprion", {
layers: 'zebralog',
service: 'wms',
version: '1.1.1',
format: 'image/png',
attribution: "Alegro Trasse",
transparent: true
Shouldn't it simply be https://map-proxy.zebralog.de/maps.zebralog.de/cgi-bin/maps-amprion ? Or more elaborate:
But I've tried with QGIS and JOSM and the URL is dead.
Have I done a mistake or is the WMS endpoint really blocking me?